Distribution report
The distribution report provides more in-depth information on your respondents, including where they are located, what devices they are using, what websites sent them to surveys, and if they read your email invitations.
To open the distribution report, select Analyze > Distribution Report.
Response summary
The response summary gives a full overview of your survey. It provides data such as the survey start and end dates, the number of (partial) responses, how many contacts saw the email, how many clicked through, the number of respondents per distribution channel, etc.
Response timeline
The response timeline is a graphic overview of the number of respondents per day for the full period that the survey is live. Click and drag across the chart to see the details for that specific period only.
Respondents and dropouts per page
For each survey page, you can see how many respondents were registered as well as how many respondents dropped out. See Respondents and dropouts per page for additional information.
If you've activated more than one distribution channel, you can follow up the response per channel via this chart.
Mobile vs. Desktop
This chart shows the ratio of respondents that filled out the survey via a desktop and those who filled it out via a mobile device.
Both smartphones and tablets are counted as mobile devices. Laptops are included in the number of desktop users.
You can see what browsers respondents used and how often the survey was filled out on a mobile browser.
Operating system
This report is similar to the browser report, only it shows the specific operating system of each respondent.
Referring sites
This chart lists the websites that sent respondents to your survey. This chart is beneficial if you've posted the link on multiple websites and you want to know which website has the most traffic.
Additionally, you can add query string parameters to the survey URL to add this information to the reports as well.
Location (via IP)
The location report shows where your respondents are located. The darker blue a region on the map, the more respondents came from this area.
Zoom in on a specific area to see the ratio per city within a specific region.
Hover over an area to find out the exact number of respondents for that specific country or city.
You can download the entire report as a PDF file. Or you can download each chart or overview separately.
To download the entire report, click Download in the top right corner.
To download a separate chart or overview as an image, click on the download icon in the top right corner of that particular chart.
Sharing the distribution report
You can also share the entire distribution report with people who don't have access to Agile Research. They'll be able to follow up on the results in real time.
To share the report, click Share in the top right corner and copy the URL provided. Send this URL with whom you want to share the report.