Downloadable report types
Medallia Agile Research offers the following downloadable report types:
Custom reports — These are reports you can create using our ReportBuilder. You determine the content and appearance of these reports.
Raw data — This is a table of all the respondents and their individual responses. Each respondent is listed on a separate row. The first few columns contain properties of the respondent, and the rest of the columns contain the responses to each question in a separate column.
Respondent uploads — Download all files respondents added to the survey via the upload question type in one single zip file. This zip file contains a folder per question, and each folder contains all files uploaded for that question. You can also filter on date or period responded.
Questions & Responses — This download contains the properties of the questions such as the text and type.
Distribution summary — View distribution statistics and response timeline.
Custom analysis — If you don't see the download type you need, contact your Medallia Agile Research expert for custom analysis services.