Using crosstabs to gain insights from surveys

A crosstab is used to combine the results of different questions and/or operational data of your survey in a structured way. A crosstab allows you to perform statistical tests to identify significant differences. You can use a breakout to show values of different subsets of respondents next to each other, such as NPS score by department. A crosstab will tell you if the difference between the groups is statistically significant.

You can earn a lot by analyzing your survey results question by question separately. However, you can combine different questions and search for relationships between them as well. One way to do this is by applying breakouts to your charts. Breakouts allow you to compare results for different subgroups of your population side by side for the same question, in a visually attractive manner.

Crosstabs, on the other hand, give a more numerical representation of the results and include some advanced statistical possibilities. If you want to investigate your data (and the relationship between them) thoroughly and look for statistically significant differences, use crosstabs.

Crosstab example

Crosstab example.

In the example above, we compare the preferred ice cream flavor for four different age groups. The data shown are the number of respondents that have selected each of the four flavors per age category. Row and column totals are included, and we have added column percentages per age group and for the total.

In the total column, we can see that it is a close call between chocolate and strawberry flavor for the top preference (both preferred by 32% of the respondents). These two are closely followed by vanilla taste (27%). Lemon lovers are a minority (9%).

To check whether there are any differences between age groups, we have performed a Z-test on these data (with 95% reliability). The table reveals that the 60+ groups has a statistically significant higher preference for vanilla (32%) compared to the 16-30 and 46-60 age groups (24%). Strawberry, on the other hand, is more favored in these last two age groups, with again a statistically significant difference vs. the oldest respondent group.

By using the green and red indicators referring to the column headers, the key learning points of this table are immediately visible without any effort. You don't have to be a statistical expert as our ReportBuilder does all the work for you.

Other statistics

Besides the Z-test to detect significant differences, some other statistics are available for crosstabs.

One of them is the Pearson's Chi-squared test. This is a so-called 'goodness of fit' test. The test tells you whether the observed results in your crosstab differ a lot from the results you would expect when your variables are independent (in our example, when every age group has an identical taste preference). If the calculated Chi-square value is higher than the 'critical' Chi-square value, you can state that the 'null hypothesis' of independent variables can be rejected and this for a specific 'p-value' (probability of rejecting the null hypothesis while this is true, often 0,05 is taken for this). This is a strong indication of the existence of actual differences between your subgroups.

We also offer Fisher's exact test, which is familiar with the Chi-square test but can only be applied in specific situations — i.e., when you have a 2×2 table of categorical variables with small cell sizes (expected values less than 5). For larger cell sizes, the 'standard' Chi-square test is recommended.

Also Kendall's tau-b can be calculated, which is a non-parametric measure of association between columns of ranked data (e.g., ranking of students for two different exams). The result is a rank correlation coefficient returning a value of -1 to +1, where 0 is no relationship, +1 a perfect positive relationship ('concordant' pairs > all students are ranked exactly the same for the two exams) and -1 a perfect negative relationship ('discordant' pairs > ranking for the two exams is completely inverse) .

Other statistics.

More detailed info on these tests can be found in every statistical handbook


Take caution when interpreting the results of statistical tests. These tests are all based on a specific set of assumptions; and when these are not met ,your results have no value. Sample sizes must be large enough (e.g., > 30 for each subgroup in a Z-test), the distribution of your data has to meet certain criteria (e.g., normal distribution for a Z-test), data points can be dependent or independent from each other, etc.

Before starting your statistical analysis, consult a statistical handbook or specialized site to find out more about the background of these tests and underlying assumptions. This will help you in the selection of test(s) to use and in the correct interpretation of the outcome.

Adding a crosstab to a report

Follow these steps to add a crosstab to your survey report:

  1. Open your survey.
  2. Select Analyze > Reports.
  3. Edit an existing report or create a new report.
  4. In the report, select the element after which you would like the new element to appear. Otherwise, it will be added to the end of the report.
  5. Click Add element.

  6. Select the Element type tab.

  7. Select Crosstab.

  8. Select your column data (groups/segments you want to compare).
  9. Select your row data (one of your survey questions).

The element will appear. Select the Settings tab in the Properties pane to determine how exactly you want to show the data and which statistical tests you want to apply.

Select the Data tab to change or switch your column and/or row data. Your crosstab is not limited to two variables; you can add additional ones if you want.