(3.6 - 3.10) Configuring VIS for IVG
The VXML Interaction Server (VIS) is automatically installed along with the Interactive Voice Gateway (IVG). After installing IVG, use the following procedures to configure VIS.
Configuring the VIS toolkit.properties file
The toolkit.properties file for VIS contains various information such as the properties used to configure the VIS published to the local Tomcat server. This file is located in the ...\etc\VirtualHold directory and can be replaced using normal file copy procedures. No restart is required.
Configuring the VIS.war file
The VIS.war file contains the default VIS application. This file and the VIS voice files are required to successfully install VIS. The VIS.war file is located in the ...\usr\local\Tomcat7\webapps directory. To replace this file:
- Back up the current Apache Software Foundation directory.
- Stop the Apache Tomcat service.
- Navigate to the \Tomcat\webapps directory and delete the unpacked .war file as well as the zipped .war file.
- Navigate to the \Tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost directory (this is the cache directory) and delete the unpacked .war file
- Paste the new .war file (ensuring it has the same name as the previous .war file) into the Tomcat7\webapps directory.
- Start the Tomcat service. This automatically expands out the .war file into the appropriate directories.
- Verify that the new .war file was pulled to the cache in Tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost.
Configuring the VIS voice file
The VIS voice files contain the default set of voice prompts (.wav files) for supported languages. These files and the VIS.war file are required to successfully install VIS. These voice files are located in the ...\usr\local\Tomcat7\webapps\Voices directory.
To replace the Voices directory:
- Back up the current Voices directory.
- Stop the Apache Tomcat service.
- Navigate to the \Tomcat\webapps directory and delete the Voices directory as well as any existing zipped voice files.
- Paste the new Voices directory into the Tomcat7\webapps directory.
- Start the Tomcat service.
To replace individual voice files:
- Back up the current Voices directory.
- Stop the Apache Tomcat service.
- Navigate to the \Tomcat\webapps\Voices directory and delete the individual voice file to be replaced.
- Paste the new voice file into the Tomcat7\webapps\Voices directory.
- Start the Tomcat service.
Configuring the VIS log files
The VIS log files record the messages generated by the VIS application and are located in the \usr\local\Tomcat7\logs directory.
Configuring the voice platform log files
The Holly log files record the messages generated by the Holly system and are located in the ...\export\home\holly\logs directory.
Configuring the IVG external media files
A client's collection of voice files can reside on a media server separate from VIS in systems using Interactive Voice Gateways (IVGs). The external voice project can be edited independently outside of Eclipse and then deployed to the server without building a new VXML project or .war file. This allows for quicker deployment and easier customization of the voice files.The standard procedures for using external voice files are described in the Customizing External Media Files topic within the VXML Interaction Server Installation Guideor VXML Interaction Server Configuration Guide. One difference in systems using IVGs is that voice files are located in the .../usr/local/tomcat7/webapps/voices directory within the IVG directory structure. Other than this difference, VIS and the accompanying external voice files are utilized in the standard manner.
Configuring VIS to Platform ToolKit (PTK)
To configure VIS with PTK from the toolkit.properties file:
Locate the PTK toolkit.properties file
Default location is etc/Virtual Hold/toolkit.properties
Edit the following line of code in the toolkit.properties file:com.virtualhold.toolkit.baseurl+http://location/VHTPlatformWS-v5/Where:location - IP address of the Management Instance server containing the PTK.
Verify the following lines of code are automatically set as shown to enhance Answering Machine Detection (AMD) performance:com.virtualhold.toolkit.hvp.amd.url=/vht-ivg/amdRecord.jspcom.virtualhold.toolkit.hvp.amd.finalsilence=1scom.virtualhold.toolkit.hvp.amd.asrengine=dtmfcom.virtualhold.toolkit.hvp.amd.sensitivity=0.4com.virtualhold.toolkit.hvp.amd.maxspeech=20scom.virtualhold.toolkit.hvp.amd.maxinitialsilence=3scom.virtualhold.toolkit.hvp.amd.lifethreshold=4.0
Save the toolkit.properties file. These changes immediately take effect without a restart.
Repeat Steps 1 - 4 on each VIS/IVG server.