(3.11) Installation guide

Installing the Interactive Voice Gatewy (IVG) consists of two activities:

  • Creating the install_ivg.cfg configuration file using the IVG setup wizard
  • Installing IVG on a Linux VM using the install_ivg.cfg configuration file

Before you begin

  • Verify all prerequisites have been completed.
  • Download the ivginstaller file from the VHT®download center, and locate the IVG Setup Wizard application.

Building the configuration file

The IVG setup wizard is used to build the configuration file required for IVG installation. Each screen of the setup wizard collects installation details for IVG and its components, and compiles the user input into a single configuration file. This configuration file is then used to install IVG on each VM in the deployment.

The IVG setup wizard is run using Windows, and the configuration file is then copied to each Linux VM to be installed with IVG.

Welcome screen

The Welcome screen signifies the beginning of the IVG configuration for use with VHT Callback® software.

Click Next to continue and proceed to the configuration file screen.

Configuration file

The Configuration file screen allows the user to:

  • Create a new configuration file for IVG installation


  • Load and edit an existing configuration file for IVG installation. Use this option to iterate the IVG installation prior to running the IVG installer.

Creating a new configuration file

Creating a new configuration file allows the user to create a new configuration file for installing IVG. This option walks you through the process of building a new configuration file to use with IVG installation.

To create a new configuration file:

  • Select the Create a new configuration file for IVG installation radio button.
  • Click Next to proceed to server pool definition.

Loading an existing configuration file

Loading an existing configuration file allows the user to load and edit an existing IVG configuration file for installation. As you step through the installation process, the values of the existing configuration file are populated on each screen. These values can be modified or preserved.

To load an existing configuration file:

  • Select the load existing configuration file to edit radio button.
  • Enter the path where the IVG configuration file is located.


  • Browse for the configuration file if the location is not automatically populated.
  • Click Next to proceed to server pool definition.

Server pool definition Technical Reference

The server pool definition screen allows the user to identify the operating system, telephony environment, and VM information.

  • Select an operating system from the OS dropdown menu. Available options are:
    • RHEL 7.7
    • CentOS 7.7
    • RHEL 6.10
    • CentOS 6.10
  • Select an environment the Environmentdropdown menu. Available options are:
    • Avaya
    • Cisco UCCE
    • Genesys
  • Enter the VM's fully qualified domain name (FQDN) in the FQDN field.
  • Enter the server IP address in the IP Address field.
  • Click Add to add the VM to the server list. Each VM is added in the format FQDN-IP Address-Short name.
  • If creating a configuration for a multi IVG deployment, repeat Steps 3-5 for each VM in the solution.


To remove a VM from the list:

  • Click the VM name to highlight the name in the list.
  • Click the Remove button.
  • Click Next to proceed to application distribution.

Server pool definition - Avaya

The server pool definition screen allows the user to identify the operating system, telephony environment, and VM information.

  • Select an operating system from the OS dropdown menu. Available options are:
    • RHEL 7.7
    • CentOS 7.7
    • RHEL 6.10
    • CentOS 6.10
  • Select Avaya from the Environment dropdown menu.
  • Enter the VM's fully qualified domain name (FQDN) in the FQDN field.
  • Enter the server IP address in the IP Address field.
  • Click Add to add the VM to the server list. Each VM is added in the format FQDN-IP Address-Short name.
  • If creating a configuration for a multi IVG deployment, repeat Steps 3-5 for each VM in the solution.
  • Click Next to proceed to application distribution.

Server pool definition - Genesys

The server pool definition screen allows the user to identify the operating system, telephony environment, and VM information.

  • Select an operating system from the OS dropdown menu. Available options are:
    • RHEL 7.7
    • CentOS 7.7
    • RHEL 6.10
    • CentOS 6.10
  • Select Genesys from the Environment dropdown menu.
  • Enter the VM's fully qualified domain name (FQDN) in the FQDN field.
  • Enter the server IP address in the IP Address field.
  • Click Add to add the VM to the server list. Each VM is added in the format FQDN-IP Address-Short name.
  • If creating a configuration for a multi IVG deployment, repeat Steps 3-5 for each VM in the solution.

Server pool definition - Cisco

The server pool definition screen allows the user to identify the operating system, telephony environment, and VM information.

  • Select an operating system from the OS dropdown menu. Available options are:
    • RHEL 7.7
    • CentOS 7.7
    • RHEL 6.10
    • CentOS 6.10
  • Select Cisco from the Environment dropdown menu.
  • Enter the VM's fully qualified domain name (FQDN) in the FQDN field.
  • Enter the server IP address in the IP Address field.
  • Click Add to add the VM to the server list. Each VM is added in the format FQDN-IP Address-Short name.
  • If creating a configuration for a multi IVG deployment, repeat Steps 3-5 for each VM in the solution.

Application distribution

The application distribution screen determines what components to install on each VM of the IVG deployment.

In a multiple IVG deployment, each VM identified on the Server pool definition screen is listed in the Server dropdown list. The Components to install dropdown contains each possible component combination available, based on the supported deployment models. After selecting a VM and distributing the components, the Components to install dropdown dynamically updates to include the remaining components available to install.


When installing on a single IVG server, the setup wizard automatically distributes all components to the VM identified during Server pool definition in a single IVG deployment. The IVG installer skips Application distribution screen, and proceeds with PostgreSQL application configuration.

To distribute the components for a multiple IVG deployment:

  • Select a VM from the Server dropdown list.
  • Select the components to install on the VM from the Components to install dropdown.
  • Click Add to the list to add the server and its components to the list.
  • Repeat Steps 1-3 for each remaining server.
  • Click Next to proceed to PostgreSQL application distribution.

PostgreSQL application configuration

The PostgreSQL application configuration screen captures the details to install the PostgreSQL database, and also the voice platform database configuration.

Populate each field on the screen using the following table for descriptions and default values:

SectionFieldDescriptionDefault value
PostgreSQL databaseInstall pathPath where PostgreSQL is installed. A folder named 9 is installed in this path, and contains PostgreSQL 9.5./export/home/postgres-vht
Port numberPort number used for the PostgreSQL server. VHT best practices recommend using the default port number of 5432.5432
Linux user

The OS user to be used for the PostgreSQL database.

The Linux user field has the following constraints;

  • cannot begin with a hyphen (-)
  • cannot end with a period (.)
  • dollar sign ($) only at the end
  • cannot be root
  • cannot contain spaces
  • must be less than or equal to 32-characters

The Linux user cannot be root.

Linux password

The password for the Linux user.

All passwords are encrypted in the configuration file.

Linux group

The name of the Linux group to be created. the Linux user is added to this group.

The Linux group field has the following constraints:

  • cannot begin with a hyphen (-)
  • cannot end with a period (.)
  • dollar sign ($) only at the end
  • cannot be root
  • cannot contain spaces
  • must be less than or equal to 32-characters
PostgreSQL super user password

The password for the PostgreSQL super user.

The PostgreSQL super user is created with the user name postgres when the database is installed. This user has database super user permissions, and can be used for administrative purposes.

All passwords are encrypted in the configuration file.

Voice platform databaseDB user

The user to be used for the voice platform database.

The DB user field has the following constraints:

  • valid characters are alphanumeric and underscore (_)
  • cannot begin with a digit
  • cannot contain spaces
  • cannot be root
  • must be 64-characters or less

The database user cannot be root.

DB password

The password for the database user.

All passwords are encrypted in the configuration file.

DB name

The voice platform database name used by the voice platform application.

The DB name field has the following constraints:

  • valid characters are alphanumeric and underscore (_)
  • cannot begin with a digit
  • cannot contain spaces
  • cannot be root
  • must be 64-characters or less
TablespaceThe tablespace created in the voice platform databaseholly_ivg

Click Next to proceed to voice platform configuration.

Voice platform configuration

The voice platform configuration screen captures the installation details for the voice platform application. Additionally, a Sentinel email address to receive voice platform notifications, and SMTP server credentials can be configured on this screen.

Populate each field in the section using the following table for descriptions and default values:

FieldDescriptionDefault value
Install path

Path where the voice platform is installed.

The following files are also installed to this location:

  • CCISimport.log
  • hvp_params_environment.cfg
  • hvp_params_common.cfg
Linux groupOperating system group name created during IVG installation. The Linux user is added to this group.holly-ivg
Linux user

Operating system user name to log into the voice platform management system.

The Linux user cannot be root.


Password used to log into the voice platform management system.

All passwords are encrypted in the configuration file.


Sentinel email address

The Sentinel email address is used to send voice platform notifications to the worker services. The configured email address receives emails only if a worker service is down.

To configure the Sentinel email, enter a valid email address. The user associated with the email address should be the VHT Linux administrator.

SMTP server credentials

The Simple Mail transfer Protocol (SMTP) credentials can also be configured. The SMTP server credentials are enabled when the Configure SMTP server credentials box is checked.

Populate each field in the section using the following table for descriptions:

SMTP userSMTP user that connects to the SMTP server.
SMTP password

Password of the SMTP user.

All passwords are encrypted in the configuration file.

SMTP serverThe SMTP server used for sending email from the IVG server. Enter the SMTP server's FQDN OR IP address.

Click Next to proceed to voice platform parameters.

Voice platform parameters Technical Reference

The voice platform parameters screen captures the environment-specific parameters for the IVG installation.

Populate each field in the section using the following table for descriptions and default values:

EnvironmentFieldDescriptionDefault Value
  • Avaya
  • Cisco
  • Genesys
Server pool namePool name used to define the group of servers in the deployment.holly-ivg
  • Cisco
Trunk group ID

Peripheral number for the Network Trunk Group in Cisco UCCE.

Used in combination with Number of Trunks to create the trunkgroups value in the configuration file.

Number of Trunks

Maximum number of trunks

Used in combination with the Trunk group ID to create the trunkgroups value in the configuration file.

ICM CTI Listen PortICM CTI listen port to be opened.5000

Voice platform parameters Avaya

The voice platform parameters screen captures the environment-specific parameters for the IVG installation.

Enter the Server Pool Name and click Next.

Voice platform parameters Genesys

The voice platform parameters screen captures the environment-specific parameters for the IVG installation.

Enter the Server Pool Name and click Next.

Voice platform parameters Cisco

The voice platform parameters screen captures the environment-specific parameters for the IVG installation.

Populate each field in the section using the following table for descriptions and default values:

FieldDescriptionDefault value
Trunk group ID

Peripheral number for the Network Trunk Group in Cisco UCCE.

Used in combination with Number of Trunks to create the trunkgroups value in the configuration file.

Number of Trunks

Maximum number of trunks

Used in combination with the Trunk group ID to create the trunkgroups value in the configuration file.

ICM CTI Listen PortICM CTI listen port to be opened.5000

Click Next to proceed to voice platform application provisioning.

Voice platform application provisioning

The voice platform application provisioning screen captures the applications for your deployment, as well as the application's provisioning details.

The Inbound and Outbound applications are enabled by default and cannot be disabled. Provision additional applications for your solution by enabling the checkbox next to the application.

Populate each field using the following table for descriptions and default values:


If provisioning for Agent Priority, Outreach, or Second Chance Callback, verify your system is licensed for the necessary feature and voice licenses. Contact your VHT Sales representative to verify licensing terms.

FieldDescriptionDefault Value
TenantCallback site name.VHT
Inbound DNIS

The DNIS range available for the inbound application.

Enter multiple DNIS ranges in a comma separated list.

Prompt Recorder DNIS

The DNIS range available for the Prompt Recorder application.

Enter multiple DNIS ranges in a comma separated list.

Second Chance DNIS

The DNIS range available for the Second Chance callback application.

Enter multiple DNIS ranges in a comma separated list.

Inbound Failure DestinationLocation where calls are transferred to when VIS fails to execute, and inbound call treatment is not delivered.NA

The DNIS values for the following outbound applications should be configured in the OCC section of the Peripheral site.config file:

  • Outbound
  • Outreach
  • Agent Priority

Click Next to proceed to voice platform TLS/SSL configuration.

CTI event consumer application configuration

The CTI event consumer application configuration screen allows you to identify the servers for RabbitMQ exchange connectivity.

Enable the CTI event consumer application configuration checkbox allows to enter the Core server details.

Populate each field using the following table for descriptions and default values:

FieldDescriptionDefault Value
Server Name Type

Select the server name type from the list:

  • FQDN
  • IP address
Core Server 1Enter the first Core server name. Enter in the format designated in Server Name Type.NA
Core Server 2Enter the second Core server name. Enter in the format designated in Server Name Type.NA
Install PathInstallation location of the consumer application consumer.cfg file./export/home/VirtualHold/CTIEventConsumer

The information from the CTI event consumer application screen is entered in the cti_event_consumer section of the install_ivg.cfg file. The RabbitMQ credentials are also added, and can be modified prior to installing IVG.

FieldDescriptionDefault value
rabbitmq_usernameRabbitMQ username.user

RabbitMQ password.

All passwords are encrypted in the configuration file.

rabbitmq_connection_retry_periodInterval period in milliseconds the CTI Connector attempts to reconnect to RabbitMQ if a connection is lost.2000

Voice platform SSL/TLS configuration

The voice platform SSL/TLS configuration screen allows you to enable SSL/TLS for inbound and outbound calls.

The Enable SSL/TLS checkbox allows you to enter the parameters required to enable SSL/TLS on your voice platform.

Populate each field using the following table for descriptions and default values:

The port numbers provided must be unique port number that are not assigned anywhere else in the voice platform.

See the ports used by the IVG voice platform in the IVG port list.

FieldDescriptionDefault Value
SIP Listen PortPrimary SIP port used for incoming SIP requests over UDP or TCP.5060
SIP Listen Port2Secondary SIP port used for incoming SIP requests of UDP or TCP.5070
TLS Listen PortPrimary TLS port used for incoming SIPS requests over TLS.5061
TLS Listen Port2Secondary TLS port used for incoming SIPS requests over TLS.5071
SRTP Support

When enabled:

  • Allows inbound calls using SRTP.
  • Enables SRTP on outbound calls using TLS.
SSL VerifyWhen enabled, the SSL peer is verified.Enabled
SSL Cipher

List of SSL ciphers for openssl.

Determine the supported ciphers for the voice platform by running the following Linux command:

openssl ciphers - 

More information about the ciphers listed through the command can be found at https://www.openssl.org/docs/apps/ciphers.html

SSL Options

List of SSL options to exclude. Options include:

  • no_sslv2
  • no_sslv3
  • no_tlsv1
  • no_tlsv1_1
  • no_tlsv1_2

Click Next to proceed to Tomcat application configuration.

Tomcat application configuration

The Tomcat application configuration screen captures the Tomcat installation details required for VIS setup.

Populate each field in the section using the following table for descriptions and default values:

FieldDescriptionDefault value
Install pathPath where Tomcat is installed./export/home/tomcat
Heap size (in MBs)VHT best practices recommend not decreasing this value.2048
Linux userOperating system user used to install Tomcat. The user is created during IVG installation as a no login usertomcat-ivg
Linux groupOperating system group name created during IVG installation. The Linux user is added to this group.tomcat-ivg

Click Next to proceed to NFS configuration for name file sharing.

NFS configuration for name file sharing

The NFS configuration is an optional configuration screen to configure a Network File System (NFS). An NFS configures a Linux machine as a network drive to share name files at a common location across other Linux machines in a Network File System (NFS).

When the NFS setup checkbox is enabled, the NFS setup fields become active.

Populate each field in the section using the following table for descriptions:

Local NFS server

Radio button to use a local NFS server. When selected, a dropdown list of all servers added during server pool definition displays. Selecting a server from this list identifies the server as the server sharing its name files.

To select a local NFS server:

  • Select this radio button if the NFS server is local to the IVG deployment.
  • Select a server from the dropdown menu
Remote NFS server

Radio button to use a remote NFS server. When selected, identify a remote server to use as the server sharing its name files.

To enter a remote NFS server:

  • Select this radio button if the NFS server is remote to the IVG deployment.
  • Enter the IP address of the remote server.
NFS directoryThe directory path on the NFS server which is shared across the Linux machines.

The NFS client list is populated based on whether the Local NFS server or Remote NFS server radio button is selected.

  • Local NFS server - remaining IVG servers added during server pool definition display.
  • Remote NFS server - all IVG servers added during server pool definition display.

Click Next to proceed to the IVG configuration summary.

IVG configuration summary

The IVG configuration summary screen displays a detailed summary of the IVG components to be installed. The location at which to export the configuration file is also designated on this screen.

To review and export the configuration file:

  • Review the installation summary and verify the components have been correctly configured.
    1. Default - lists the OS, environment, and application distribution
    2. Postgres - lists the PostgreSQL application configuration details.
    3. VoicePlatform - lists the voice platform configuration details
    4. VoicePlatform-Params - lists the voice platform parameters configuration details
    5. Tomcat - lists the Tomcat application configuration details
    6. NFS - lists the NFS configuration details (if configured).
  • Designate the location where the configuration will be exported.
    1. Click Browse.
    2. Navigate to the location where the configuration file should be exported.
  • Click Export to export the configuration file.
  • When the configuration file has been successfully exported, click Next to proceed to the finish screen.

IVG Configuration Summary (Avaya)

To review and export the configuration file:

  • Review the installation summary and verify the components have been correctly configured.
    1. Default - lists the OS, environment, and application distribution
    2. Postgres - lists the PostgreSQL application configuration details.
    3. VoicePlatform - lists the voice platform configuration details
    4. VoicePlatform-Params - lists the voice platform parameters configuration details
    5. Tomcat - lists the Tomcat application configuration details
    6. NFS - lists the NFS configuration details (if configured).
  • Designate the location where the configuration will be exported.
    1. Click Browse.
    2. Navigate to the location where the configuration file should be exported.
  • Click Export to export the configuration file.
  • When the configuration file has been successfully exported, click Next to proceed to the finish screen.

Finish screen

The finish screen marks the successful completion of the IVG setup wizard. Click Finish to close the wizard and proceed to Installing IVG.

Executing the IVG installer

Install Interactive Voice Gateway (IVG) on designated Linux VMs using the configuration file created by the IVG setup wizard. Use the single IVG configuration file to install IVG on each VM in the IVG deployment.

  • Copy the ivginstaller file to the VM where the first instance of IVG will be installed.
  • Copy the install_ivg.cfg file created by the IVG setup wizard to the VM where the first instance of IVG will be installed.

The target directory name where the files are copied must not contain spaces.

  • Navigate to the directory where the ivginstallerwas saved and open the installer.
  • Enter the following command to change the permissions:

chmod a+x ivginstaller- xxxx

  • Enter the following command to execute the installer:

./ ivginstaller- xxxx install | tee install_ mmddyy .txt

Where mmddyy is the date of the installation. This saves a dated installation log of the IVG installation process.

  • Repeat Steps 1-5 on each VM in the IVG deployment.

The installer may take 10-15 minutes to complete, which is marked by a IVG server restart.

Verifying IVG installation

After the IVG installer process has finished, verify the installation by completing the following:

  • Navigate to http://server_address:2020 and verify the management system interface displays.
  • If the homepage does not display, open the install_mmddyy.txt and verify no errors or exceptions are present.
  • Repeat Steps 1-2 for each VM in the IVG deployment.