IVG 4.1.0 release notes
Released July 24, 2020
Read about the latest system updates, feature enhancements, and new features in Interactive Voice Gateway (IVG).
In addition to new and updated features, and fixed issues, Mindful shares known issues that our developers, testers, and customers have identified. Visit our Known Issues page for more information.
Release highlights
Installer enhancements
The IVG installer has now allows you to input your VXML Interaction Server (VIS) configuration information. You can provide configuration details for:
- toolkit.properties path file
- Platform Toolkit server
IVG patch file
You can upgrade IVG version 4.0 or later by applying the IVG 4.1 patch file. The IVG patch file locates the currently installed IVG components, and identifies which components require an upgrade.
IVG versions 4.0 and later can be upgraded by applying the IVG 4.1 patch file. The IVG patch file locates the currently installed IVG components, and identifies what components require an upgrade. The patch file upgrades the following components:
- PostgresQL
- Tomcat
- OS dependencies
- VXML Interaction Server (VIS)
- Call Control Interaction Server (CCIS)
OS dependency installer
The IVG dependency install file installs all the OS requirements and dependencies required for IVG.
The dependency install verifies the VM prerequisites are satisfied and that IVG has been installed, and then proceeds to install the OS requirements and dependencies.
User-to-User parameter for choose-hold calls
Similar to treated voice callbacks, the SIP Refer-to for Choose Hold calls includes the User-to-User parameter.
This parameter extends support to integrations using call recording.
Support for RHEL 7.8 and CentOS 7.8
IVG 4.1 extends support to CentOS and Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 7.8
IVG can be installed on the following Linux OS versions:
- CentOS version 6.10
- CentOS version 7.7
- CentOS version 7.8
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) version 6.10
- Red Had Enterprise Linux (RHEL) version 7.7
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) version 7.8
PostgreSQL 9.6.17
IVG's PostgreSQL has been upgraded from to PostgreSQL 9.6.17.
Tomcat 9.0.33
IVG's Tomcat dependency version has been upgraded to 9.0.33.
Fixed issues
ID | Description | Versions Affected |
168263821 | SIP refer now attaches a single User-to-User heading.Previously, multiple User-to-User headers were incorrectly passed during a SIP Refer, which could cause the event to fail. | 3.0-4.0 |
162794630 | For Cisco integrations, routing scripts pass identifying information - such as ANI and Segment - can be passed to IVG/VIS at any point of the in the user_microapp_ToExtVXML parameter's array. Once passed, CCIS reads the data and sends it to VIS for processing.Previously, the information needed to be in the first part of the array, CCIS could not read the data or pass it to VIS. | 3.0-4.0 |
165835680 | Answering Machine Detection (AMD) is now disabled by default in the IVG voice platform. Previously, when AMD was disabled in VHT Callback, the IVG voice platform would still attempt to detect an answering machine, and incorrectly disconnect a call when a customer entered DTMF.Instructions on how to enable AMD in the IVG voice platform can be found in the Enabling Answering Machine Detection article. | 3.0-4.0 |
168870122 | The audio file path correctly points to the directory /tomcat-ivg.Previously, the audio file path pointed to the legacy directory /tomcat. This prevented the files from playing. | 3.10 - 4.0 |
Known issues
177367881 | An issue with SIP messaging when using the TLS protocol can cause calls to fail. For versions of IVG that utilize HVP 7.1 or 7.2, when IVG is configured to use TLS, the Record-Route parameter sent by HVP in the SIP INVITE contains an incorrect default port for TLS. This causes issues with further SIP messaging between HVP and the ACD environment. Workaround: None. TLS must be disabled to avoid this issue. Versions affected: 4.0 - 4.1 |
172078224 | CallControl stops responding due to Javascript runtime error The Holly Voice Platform (HVP) version used by IVG 4.0 requires an updated configuration to provide more memory for HVP Javascript processes. Without the updated configuration, the CallControl worker can stop responding under a heavy load. Workaround:In the hvp_params_common.cfg file, update the size value of the jsruntimesizekb variable from the default 40960 to 102400, as shown below. Versions affected:4.0 or later |
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