IVG 4.1.1 release notes

Released September 22, 2020

Read about the latest system updates, feature enhancements, and new features in Interactive Voice Gateway (IVG).

In addition to new and updated features, and fixed issues, Mindful shares known issues that our developers, testers, and customers have identified. Visit our Known Issues page for more information.

Release highlights

New CCIS version

IVG 4.1.1 includes the latest Call Control Interaction Server (CCIS) application. This version of CCIS is required when using Agent Priority to to ensure customer abandoned or disconnected calls are transferred to the disconnect DN.

You can apply the latest CCIS version patch to your IVG deployment by performing an IVG upgrade.

New VIS version

IVG 4.1.1 includes the latest VXML Interaction Server (VIS) version 7.4.0.

You can apply the latest VIS version to your IVG deployment by performing an IVG upgrade.

Fixed issues

IDDescriptionVersions affected
174376666Updated CCIS version correctly transfers customer abandoned or canceled Agent Priority calls to the disconnect DN.

Customer canceled Agent Priority calls are now correctly transferred to the Disconnect DN.Previously, Agent Priority calls were not correctly transferred to the disconnect DN when:
  • the customer abandons or disconnects the call
  • the Avaya Return to Destination is enabled
  • On-Premise Callback is configured to transfer calls to the Avaya Return to Destination

This resulted in Agents being incorrectly connected to the caller's voicemail.


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