IVG 5.3.0 release notes

Released October 4, 2022

Read about the latest system updates, feature enhancements, and new features in Interactive Voice Gateway (IVG).

In addition to new and updated features, and fixed issues, Mindful shares known issues that our developers, testers, and customers have identified. Visit our Known Issues page for more information.

Release highlights

Dependency updates

The following dependency packages have been upgraded to the listed versions for IVG 5.3:
  • PostGRESQL 12.12
  • Apache Tomcat 9.0.64
  • Holly Voice Platform (HVP) 7.2.18

IVG 5.3 supports VoiceXML Interaction Server (VIS) version 7.10.

Fixed issues

ID Description Versions affected

An issue affecting installation of dependencies in a specific scenario has been resolved.

This issue could occur when installing IVG on an OS with a higher minor version than officially supported. In this scenario, some dependencies were not upgraded to the required versions. An update to the installer in IVG 5.3 now ensures that all dependencies are upgraded as expected.


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