(5.0+) Uninstalling IVG

The ./ivginstaller file also uninstalls the Interactive Voice Gateway (IVG). The file requires no modification, and uninstalls all IVG components and dependencies when executed.

The uninstaller creates a separate .yaml file that contains the voice platform application provisioning data. Reference this file to re-provision the voice application parameters when re-installing IVG.

Uninstall IVG

Use the following steps to uninstall IVG from a VM:

Root user access is required to perform the uninstall, and is only used for the duration of the uninstall process.

  • Navigate to the directory where the ./ivginstallerwas saved.
  • Copy the ./ivginstaller file to the VM where IVG will be uninstalled.
  • Run the following command to change the permissions:
chmod a+x ivginstaller-xxxx
  • Run the following command to execute the uninstall file:
./ivginstaller-xxxx uninstall | tee uninstall_mmddyy.txt 

Where mmddyy is the date of the uninstall

  • The following message displays: You have executed IVG uninstaller. This will uninstall all of the IVG components. Please confirm once again to proceed...? (y/n):
  • Enter y to continue. Enter n to exit.
  • The IVG components are uninstalled.
  • The uninstaller creates a backup hvp_params.cfg configuration file and places it at /etc/VirtualHold/backup. This backup file contains all the voice platform configuration.


The backup file is overwritten each time the uninstaller is executed.

  • The uninstaller checks for the ivginstaller directory. If the directory is present, the uninstaller removes it.
  • The VM is restarted.

IVG Uninstaller Process

The IVG uninstaller process uninstalls the components and dependencies of IVG that were installed on the VM by reading the uninstall_ivg.cfg file created during installation. The uninstall_ivg.cfg is compiled by the IVG installer process as it executes, and contains the information required to uninstall IVG from the VM.

The following topics detail what is uninstalled for each component.

The /etc/VirtualHold directory is not removed.

Uninstall VIS, Voice Files, and CCIS

The IVG uninstaller performs the following to uninstall the VXML Interaction Server (VIS), voice files, and Call Control Interaction Server (CCIS):

  • Uninstalls VIS, CCIS, and its dependencies:
    • Uninstalls Apache Tomcat.
      • Removes cron jobs, VIS, Voices, and CCIS
    • Uninstalls Java.

The toolkit.properties file is not removed.

Uninstall PostgreSQL Database

The IVG uninstaller performs the following to uninstall the PostgreSQL database:

  • Uninstalls the following prerequisites for the PostgreSQL database:
    • postgres-client
    • ruby
  • Uninstalls the PostgreSQL database.

If the PostgreSQL database is uninstalled from a multiple IVG system, the remaining IVG instances that read from the database will not work.

Uninstall Voice Platform

The IVG uninstaller performs the following to uninstall the voice platform:

  • Enables SELinux.
  • Uninstalls voice platform, including patches.
  • The voice platform provisioning .yaml file is placed in the /etc/VirtualHold/backup directory.


If IVG was installed or configured for use with LDAP, then the uninstaller will not attempt to remove the users or groups for HVP, PostgreSQL, or Tomcat.


The following scenario can occur in LDAP environments.

In IVG 5.0 and higher, if the Holly installation path had already been created prior to installation, the uninstallation process can fail at this point with the message below:

Below IVG Components are not uninstalled==========================================Holly

If you see this error, execute the following command:

rm -rf <holly_install_path>/.[a-z]*

For example:

rm -rf /home/holly-ivg/.[a-z]*

After that, run the IVG dependencies installer and you should be able to proceed.

Uninstalling the CTI Event Consumer

The IVG uninstaller performs the following to remove the CTI Event Consumer:

  • Deletes the CTIEventConsumer directory.
  • Removes the CTI_EVENTCONSUMER_USER and CTI_EVENTCONSUMER_HOME environment variables from /etc/profile.

What's next?

Once you have uninstalled IVG, you can uninstall the IVG OS dependencies.