Upgrading to IVG 3.6

Interactive Voice Gateway (IVG) versions earlier than 3.5 require uninstalling before upgrading to later versions of IVG. This process ensures the correct versions of the third party software - including Java, PostgreSQL, and Tomcat - are installed, and that the install_ivg.file is generated using the new IVG Setup Wizard with the correct keys, values, and syntax.

Prior to uninstalling:

  • Capture the IVG provisioning details
  • Capturing the IVG installation details
  • Backup the toolkit.properties file
  • Run the IVG setup wizard to generate a new install_ivg.cfg file
  • Uninstall IVG

After reinstalling IVG 3.5.0, the voice platform Service Provider, Affiliate, and Applications must be re-provisioned. Use the following tables to capture the current Application provisioning details for use when re-provisioning.



URL where the inbound application can be found.

Example: http://localhost:8080/VIS/PlatformSupport_HVP/Begin?Tenant=VHT&MODE=HVPAvaya

Application parameters

Keys and associated values used by the inbound IVR.


(required parameters)


Failure Destination:

(required parameter)



(enter any additional parameters)

DNIS numbers

Range of DNIS numbers available for the inbound application.

Default: inbound-inbound



URL where the outbound application can be found.

Default: http://localhost:8080/VIS/PlatformSupport_HVP/Outbound?MODE=HVPAvaya

Application parameters

Keys and associated values used by the outbound IVR.


(required parameter)



(enter any additional parameters)

DNIS numbers

Range of DNIS numbers available for the outbound application.

Default: outbound-outbound

Agent Priority

URL where the Agent Priority application can be found.

Default: http://localhost:8080/VIS/AgentPriority

Application parameters

Keys and associated values used by Agent Priority.


(required parameter)



(enter any additional parameters)

DNIS numbers

Range of DNIS numbers available for the Agent Priority application.

Default: agentpriority-agentpriority

Backing up the toolkit.properties file

Backup the toolkit.properties file prior to uninstalling IVG by saving a copy locally. After uninstalling IVG, re-install the toolkit.properties file on the VM.

Running the IVG setup wizard

The IVG setup wizard builds the configuration file required for IVG installation. Each screen of the setup wizard collects installation details for IVG and its components, and compiles the user input into a single configuration file. This configuration file is then used to install IVG on each VM in the deployment.

Before uninstalling IVG, use the IVG setup wizard to generate a new configuration file based on the values of the existing install_ivg.cfg file. Refer to the Creating the IVG configuration file for instructions on how to execute the wizard and generate a configuration file.

Prior to running the IVG setup wizard, capture the details required by the installer with the Installing IVG worksheet.

Uninstalling IVG

The IVG_xxxx.zip file that is used to install the Interactive Voice Gateway (IVG) also contains the ivguninstaller-xxxx file, which is used to uninstall IVG. The ivguninstaller-xxxx requires no modification, and uninstalls all IVG components and dependencies when executed.

Refer to the Uninstalling IVG topic for instructions on how to uninstall IVG, and the uninstallation process that executes.


URL where the Outreach application can be found.

Default: http://localhost:8080/VIS/PlatformSupport_HVPEnvironment/Begin/Tenant-VHT&?MODE=HVPEnvironment

Application parameters

Keys and associated values used by Outreach.


(required parameters)



(enter any additional parameters)

DNIS numbers

Range of DNIS numbers available for the Outreach application.

Default: outreach-outreach

Prompt Recorder

URL where the Prompt Recorder application can be found.

Default: http://localhost:8080/PRec/PRec/Begin?Tenant=VHT&MODE=HVP

Application parameters

Keys and associated values used by Prompt Recorder.


(required parameters)



(enter any additional parameters)

DNIS numbers

Range of DNIS numbers available for the Prompt Recorder application.

Default: PRec-PRec