Upgrading to IVG 3.8

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Interactive Voice Gateway (IVG) version 3.8.0 supports an upgrade from any of the following versions:

  • 3.5.0
  • 3.6.0
  • 3.7.0

The IVG upgrade runs using the IVG Setup Wizard like a new installation. The IVG Setup Wizard imports the information from the existing configuration file on each screen of the installer, and populates any new screens with the default values. This process ensures the correct versions of the third party software - including Java, PostgreSQL, and Tomcat - are installed, and that the install_ivg.file is generated using the new IVG Setup Wizard with the correct keys, values, and syntax.

The upgrade process consists of the following activities:

  • Backing up the toolkit.properties file
  • Uninstall IVG to generate the uninstall file and export the provisioned data
  • Run the IVG setup wizard and import the saved install_ivg.cfg file to generate a new install_ivg.cfg file
  • Install IVG

Backing up the toolkit.properties file

wiki.page("Callback_documentation/IVR/Interactive_Voice_Gateway_(IVG)/0-IVG_Repo/IVG_3.5.x_or_later_to_IVG_3.7.x", "Backing up the toolkit.properties file")

Uninstalling IVG

The IVG_xxxx.zip file that is used to install the Interactive Voice Gateway (IVG) also contains the ivguninstaller-xxxx file, which is used to uninstall IVG. The ivguninstaller-xxxx requires no modification, and uninstalls all IVG components and dependencies when executed.

The uninstaller also creates a separate .yaml file that contains the voice platform application provisioning data. This file can be referenced to re-provision the voice application parameters if IVG is re-installed.

wiki.page("00010Callback_documentation/IVR/Interactive_Voice_Gateway_(IVG)/0-IVG_Repo/IVG_3.7_Uninstalling", "Uninstall IVG")

Learn more in the Uninstalling IVG version 3.8 topic.

Running the IVG setup wizard

wiki.page("Callback_documentation/IVR/Interactive_Voice_Gateway_(IVG)/0-IVG_Repo/IVG_3.5.x_or_later_to_IVG_3.7.x", "Running the IVG setup wizard")

Reinstalling IVG

wiki.page("Callback_documentation/IVR/Interactive_Voice_Gateway_(IVG)/0-IVG_Repo/IVG_3.5.x_or_later_to_IVG_3.8.x", "Reinstalling IVG")