Upgrading to IVG 5.4.1

IVG 5.4.1 includes upgrades to Call Control Interaction Server (CCIS), CTI Event Consumer (CCIS Event Injector), and VoiceXML Interaction Server (VIS). Since this is an incremental update, no installer is necessary to upgrade from version 5.4.0 to 5.4.1. Follow the instructions in this guide to manually back up and replace artifacts for the affected components to complete the upgrade.


Upgrading to IVG 5.4.1 requires that version 5.4.0 is already installed. See the Installation Guide for instructions.

Initial Steps

Before you begin, you will need to obtain the new artifacts and store them on all IVG servers.

Create a directory to place IVG 5.4.1 artifacts.

  • Log in to the IVG server. Assuming that the present working directory of the logged in user is /home/{user_name}/ (replace it with appropriate path in further Linux commands)

  • Create a directory with the name IVG_5.4.1 in /home/{user_name}/ (assuming that the present working directory of the logged in user is /home/{user_name})

mkdir IVG_5.4.1

This directory will be used to copy IVG 5.4.1 artifacts.

Copy the contents of the VIS, CCIS and CTI Event Consumer release artifacts folders to the new directory.

You can obtain the release artifacts from the Mindful Download Center, and they should be named as follows:

  • VIS_7.13.0.390
  • CCIS_5.4.1.139
  • CTIEventConsumer_5.4.1.61

Upgrading CTI Event Consumer to 5.4.1

Follow the steps below to upgrade the CTI Event Consumer.

Switch to the holly-ivg user:

su - holly-ivg

Stop the ctieventconsumer worker:

fm stop ctieventconsumer

Back up the existing CTI Event Consumer artifacts.

Exit from the holly-ivg user and navigate to /export/home/VirtualHold/CTIEventConsumer:

cd /export/home/VirtualHold/CTIEventConsumer

Take a backup of the jar file and lib directory:

mv ctieventconsumer-5.3.0.jar ctieventconsumer-5.3.0.jar_bkpmv lib lib_bkp

Copy the new artifacts.

Copy the ctieventconsumer-5.4.1.jar file and lib directories from the CTI Event Consumer release artifacts directory to the path mentioned below.

cp -rp /home/{user_name}/IVG_5.4.1/CTIEventConsumer_5.4.1.61/ctieventconsumer-5.4.1.jar /export/home/VirtualHold/CTIEventConsumer/ctieventconsumer-5.4.1.jarcp -rp /home/{user_name}/IVG_5.4.1/CTIEventConsumer_5.4.1.61/lib /export/home/VirtualHold/CTIEventConsumer/

Update the existing configuration file and startup script:

sed -i 's/ctieventconsumer-5.3.0.jar/ctieventconsumer-5.4.1.jar/g' /export/home/VirtualHold/CTIEventConsumer/cfg/hvp_params_ctieventconsumer.cfgsed -i 's/ctieventconsumer-5.3.0.jar/ctieventconsumer-5.4.1.jar/g' /export/home/VirtualHold/CTIEventConsumer/bin/ctieventconsumer_startup.sh

Change the permissions of the newly copied artifacts:

chown holly-ivg:holly-ivg -R /export/home/VirtualHold/CTIEventConsumer/libchown holly-ivg:holly-ivg -R /export/home/VirtualHold/CTIEventConsumer/ctieventconsumer-5.4.1.jarchmod -R 755 /export/home/VirtualHold/CTIEventConsumer/libchmod 755 /export/home/VirtualHold/CTIEventConsumer/ctieventconsumer-5.4.1.jar

Update HVP configuration for CTIEventConsumer:

su - holly-ivgcs -i /export/home/VirtualHold/CTIEventConsumer/cfg/hvp_params_ctieventconsumer.cfg

Verify that the configuration is updated correctly by running the below command as the holly-ivg user:

cs | grep "ctieventconsumer-5.4.1.jar" 

This will result in output like the following, containing the version number in the name of the jar file.

cmdlinerunning.ctieventconsumer intermediate string 98 "java -jar /export/home/VirtualHold/CTIEventConsumer/ctieventconsumer-5.4.1.jar 8040"

Start the ctieventconsumer worker.

Switch back to the holly-ivg user and start ctieventconsumer:

fm start ctieventconsumer

Wait for a minute and run the following command to verify the ctieventconsumer worker started successfully:


The output shows list of Holly workers running. In that list, ctieventconsumer should be shown, as in the example below:

Holly Foreman (15590): up 1 d 22 h
asrlogmgr /- n/a 0
browser ok 1.9d 15826 2.0G 0.25 427 418 0
callcontrol ok 1.9d 15618 84.0M 0.00 49 16 0
configserver /ok 1.9d 15549 42.9M 0.00 40 25 0
ctieventconsumer ok 1.9d 27881 93.2M 0.00 18 31 1
foreman /ok 1.9d 15590 9.3M 0.25 15 32 0
hlm ok 1.9d 15620 7.9M 0.00 17 15 0
hmspageserver ok 1.9d 15621 20.2M 0.00 33 28 0
hvg ok 1.9d 15622 118.4M 0.00 853 429 0
hvss ok 1.9d 15623 10.5M 0.00 15 13 0
logmgr ok 1.9d 15624 11.7M 0.00 24 18 0

If the ctieventconsumer opcode shows "ok", then the worker is running as expected.

Upgrading CCIS to 5.4.1

Follow the steps below to upgrade CCIS.

Stop the Tomcat service:

systemctl stop tomcat

Back up the existing CCIS.war file.

Navigate to the /export/home/tomcat-ivg/webapps directory.

Run the following command to rename the CCIS.war file and remove the existing CCIS directory:

mv CCIS.war CCIS.war.bkprm -rf CCIS 

Copy the new CCIS.war file to /export/home/tomcat-ivg/webapps:

cp /home/username_name/IVG_5.4.1/CCIS_5.4.1.139/CCIS-5.4.1.war /export/home/tomcat-ivg/webapps/CCIS.war

Change the ownership of the new CCIS.war file:

chown tomcat-ivg:tomcat-ivg CCIS.war

Clean the contents of the /export/home/tomcat-ivg/work directory:

rm -rf /export/home/tomcat-ivg/work/Catalina

Start the tomcat service:

systemctl start tomcat

Check the status of the tomcat service:

systemctl status tomcat

Upgrading VIS to

Follow the steps below to upgrade VIS.

Stop the tomcat service:

systemctl stop tomcat

Back up the existing VIS.war file.

Navigate to /export/home/tomcat-ivg/webapps.

Run the following command to rename the VIS.war file and remove the existing VIS directory:

mv VIS.war VIS.war.bkprm -rf VIS

Copy the new VIS.war file to /export/home/tomcat-ivg/webapps:

cp /home/username_name/IVG_5.4.1/VIS_7.13.0.390/VIS-7.13.0.war /export/home/tomcat-ivg/webapps/VIS.war

Change the ownership of new VIS.war file:

chown tomcat-ivg:tomcat-ivg VIS.war

Clean the contents of the /export/home/tomcat-ivg/work directory:

rm -rf /export/home/tomcat-ivg/work/Catalina

Start the tomcat service:

systemctl start tomcat

Check the status of the tomcat service:

systemctl status tomcat

After upgrading all the above components, run test calls to ensure the system functions as expected.