On-Premise Callback 9.3+ system requirements

Server requirements

Standalone system

The following requirements apply to On-Premise Callback deployed on a single VM, supporting a maximum of 150 queues:

Operating SystemMemoryDisk spacevCPUsSupported queues
Windows Server8 GB60 GB4 (2 cores; 2 sockets per core)50
16 GB60 GB8 (4 cores; 2 sockets per core)150

Multiple virtual machines

The following requirements apply to Callbackdeployed across multiple VMs. Deploying on multiple VMs is the recommended practice to support a maximum of 1,500 queues.

Core instance

Operating SystemMemoryDisk spacevCPUsSupported queues
Windows Server8GB60 GB4 (2 cores; 2 sockets per core)500
16 GB60 GB8 (4 cores; 2 sockets per core)500 - 1,500

Management instance

Operating SystemMemoryDisk spacevCPUsSupported queues
Windows Server8GB60 GB4 (2 cores; 2 sockets per core)500
16 GB60 GB8 (4 cores; 2 sockets per core)500 - 1,500

SQL Server

A Callback installation requires SQL server to be installed on its own server, separate from installed Callback components.

Windows software for On-Premise Callback

Windows servers or VMs for On-Premise must have the following software installed:

SoftwareRequirementInstallation locationNotes
Operating System
  • 9.5.5+: Microsoft Windows Server 2022, 64-bit
  • 9.0 - 9.5.4: Microsoft Windows Server 2019, 64-bit
All On-Premise Callback servers or VMs.All Windows security patches and updates should be applied.
  • 9.5.5+: Microsoft SQL Server 2022 (Enterprise or Standard edition, 64-bit)
  • 9.2 - 9.5.4: Microsoft SQL Server 2017/2019 (Enterprise or Standard edition, 64-bit)
Server or VM accessible to the On-Premise Callback solution during runtime.

On-Premise Callback is verified to work with the following types of SQL Authentication:

  • Windows Authentication for SQL
  • Native SQL Authentication
On-Premise Callback does not work with SQL case sensitivity.

On-Premise Callback follows Microsoft SQL server standards for connection strings. Refer to the following:

  • SERVERNAME\INSTANCE (recommended)

When using connection strings, specify the host name in one of the following ways:

  • NetBIOSName
  • IPv4Address
  • IPv6Address
  • Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)

For more information, go to https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/lib...or=-2147217396

In order for Authorization service to function properly, the default schema must be set to dbo in the account used for installation and the account used for running the program.

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.0
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.1
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8.0
All On-Premise servers or VMs.N/A
Web Server

On-Premise Callback is compatible with the following:

Microsoft Internet Information Services version (IIS) with ASP.NET version 10

The servers or VMs where On-Premise Callback web services are run.
Web BrowserOn-Premise Callback is compatible with the following:
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Mozilla Firefox 74
  • Google Chrome 80
  • Safari 13

For Callback 9.x versions:

  • Microsoft Edge 94
  • Mozilla Firefox 92
  • Google Chrome 94
  • Safari 15
The servers, VMs, and workstations where the Launchpad is used.
Third-Party Components

The following components are automatically installed with On-Premise Callback:

For Callback 8.13.1 and higher:

  • MS Visual C++ [Not open source, but Microsoft provides a redistributable license for 2012.]
All On-Premise Callbackservers or VMs.NA

Virus scanning exclusion

The following file paths and their subdirectories should be excluded from virus scanning. If the exclusion is not permitted, a less-preferred alternative is to reduce the file scanning to once a day, at a time when call traffic is light or nonexistent. This can be done after the On-Premise Callback software is installed.
  • On-Premise Callback Software Installation path
  • On-Premise Callback Software Log File Path
  • On-Premise Callback Software IIS Path
  • All On-Premise Callback Windows Services
  • Dialogic Installation Path
  • All Dialogic Windows Services
  • Genesys components Installation Path
  • Genesys components Windows Services
  • Erlang software Destination Directory
  • Microsoft Visual C++ .NET Redistributable Destination Directory (installed silently)

Dialogic requirements

Click below for information on requirements for Dialogic environments

Dialogic Media Processors for TDM environments

  • All channels on a Dialogic board must support voice media. Callback cannot use channels that only support non-voice media such as fax.
  • CTBUS cable is needed when more than one Dialogic board is required or when adding a second Dialogic board to an existing server.

Supported versions

The following PCI boards are verified to work with Callback:

  • D240JCTT1W (up to 24 T-1 ports)
  • D480JCT2T1W (up to 48 T-1 ports)
  • DMV480A2T1PCIW (up to 48 T-1 ports)
  • DNI1200TEPHMP (up to 96 T-1 ports) (replaces the DMV board)

The following PCI-E boards are verified to work with Callback:

  • D240JCTT1EW (up to 24 T-1 ports)
  • D480JCT2T1EW (up to 48 T-1 ports)

Dialogic media processors:

  • D300JCTE1 (up to 30 E-1 ports)
  • D600JCT2E1 (up to 60 E-1 ports)

The following DNO boards are verified to work with Callback:

  • Dialogic DNI/1210TEPEHMP
  • Dialogic DNI/1210TEPE2HMP
  • Dialogic DNI/2410TEPEHMP
  • Dialogic DNI/2410TEPE2HMP

Dialogic Media Processors for IP environments

Minimum Callback VersionMaximum Callback VersionSupported HMP Versions or later3.0 Service Update 387
  • The software license ties to the MAC address of one of the NIC cards in the server, and cannot be used unless that MAC address is present.
  • Dialogic does not support RTP voice without RTCP in HMP environments.

CODECs for IP Environments

CODECDialogic HMP software 3.0Virtual Hold Global Call IVR
H.263-1998 (H.263+) native hairpinningVerifiedG.711 A-law; G.711 mu-law; G.729a+b; T.38
H.263-1998 (H.263+) video from RTSP server to 3G-324MNot VerifiedNot Verified