Vis 6.9 - 7.0 configuration guide
VXML Interaction Server (VIS) is a Java-based VoiceXML (VXML) application. VIS uses the open VXML standard to send and receive media and voice dialogs from any VXML-compliant voice browser. VIS uses a standard deployment process across all platforms and does not require proprietary hardware or software.
This guide lists the steps that are required to configure the VXML Interaction Server after installation.
Platform-specific files contain the various VXML Interaction Server (VIS) configuration options, which include:
- routing decisions
- caller experience customization
- prompt level configuration
Each file contains platform-specific properties, and common properties shared across each platform.
Installing the file
Use the following instructions to install the file:
- Select the file from the from the VIS download package that corresponds to your integration, and open the file in a text editor to configure the properties.
- Use the following table to identify each supported integration type and its corresponding file:
- Save the file to the VirtualHold folder as, and then close.
- A restart is not required for any changes to take effect.The VXML Interaction Server (VIS) languages, voice prompt scripts, and timezones are configured in the Configuration application of the Launchpad.
- Learn more about the VIS settings in Configuration in the Callback Configuration guide.VIS configurations are applied at the segment level.
Common Properties
Use the following table to configure the properties common to all supported voice platforms.
Property | Description | Default value |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.baseurl | The URL for the Platform TookKit web services. | http://PTK_Server_Address:PTK_Port/VHTPlatformWS=v5/ |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.debug | Determines whether details of Platform ToolKit requests and responses are included in the web server logs. True - includes the details in the web server logs. False - excludes the details in the web server logs. | False |
externalmediaserver.count | Identifies the total number of media servers where voice files will be played from. | 1 |
extenal.mediaserver.1 | Identifies the media server URL configuration. | http://Media_Server_Address:Media_Server_Port/voices/ If more than one media server is defined in externalmediaserver.count, increase the number on the end of the property name. For example, external.mediaserver.2. |
external.mediaserver.distribution | Identifies the media server distribution method. failover - distribution goes from top to bottom when attempting to fetch the media file, and plays from the location where it first finds the media file. balanced - load balances the media file fetching from the media servers, and failsover if needed. | failover |
external.mediaserver.logging | Determines the frequency of media server failure logging. none - no media server failures are logged. first - logs the first time a media server error occurs. all - logs all media server errors | first |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.audiopath | Determines the local path to the ASAP and Scheduled callback name files for the recording. | Web_Server_Install_Directory/webapps/ROOT |
com.virtualholdtoolkit.webaudiopath | Determines the web path to the ASAP and Scheduled callback name files for playback. | http://Web_Server_Address:Web_Server_Port/ |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.earlymorning | Defines the time group range for early morning. | (12:00 am|6:00 am) |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.morning | Defines the time group range for morning. | (6:00 am|12:00 pm) |
com.virtualhld.toolkit.afternoon | Defines the time group range for afternoon. | (12:00 pm|5:00 pm) |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.evening | Defines the time group range for evening. | (5:00 pm|9:00 pm) |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.night | Defines the time group range for night. | (9:00 pm|11:59 pm) |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.grammar.type | Identifies the grammar file to be used.inline - An inline grammar file is used.external - An external grammar file is used. | external |
Messaging Properties
Use the following table to configure the properties needed for the Mindful Messaging solution.
Property | Description | Default value |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.messaging.timeout | Timeout for HTTP Client's SendMessage API requests | 5 seconds | | (Optional) A regular expression specifying an expected phone number format. Often used to reject phone numbers that contain letters or other unacceptable characters. Validation is performed before calling the SendMessage API. | ^\\d{10}$ |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.messaging.url | The URL of your organization's Messaging platform. This should be configured during installation, and it can be changed later if needed. | N/A |
Avaya Aura Contact Center
Use the following table to configure the additional properties used by AACC:
Property | Description | Default value |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.useDnisAsSegment | Determines whether to use the call's DNIS as the incoming Platform ToolKit segment. For Segment- or UUI-based routing, set this to false. | true |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.aacc.url | Identifies the URL of the AACC Open Networking SOAP endpoint. | http://AACC_SOAP_Address:AACC_SOAP_Port/SOAOI/Services/OpenNetworking |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.aacc.username | Identifies the username for authenticating with AACC Open Networking SOAP API. | AACC_Username |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.aacc.password | Identifies the password for authenticating with AACC Open Networking SOAP API | AACC_Passowrd |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.aacc.domain | Identifies the domain to use for authenticating with AACC Open Networking SOAP API. | AACC_Domain |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.avp.troubletransferdtmf | Avaya code for a trouble transfer call after a callback is requested. | Converse_on_return_code_to_queue |
Unrelated properties
The following table contains the properties not related to AACC:
Property | Description | Default value |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.outbound.cleanupcallbeforesubdialog | Determines whether to queue and dequeue the outbound call before control is passed off in the submit. true - will queue and dequeue the outbound call false - will not queue and dequeue | true |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.defaultdestination | Determines the default transfer destination during an inbound call in the event a destination cannot be retrieved from PTK. Change the default_transfer_destination to the VDN inbound calls should be transferred to if call default transfers from VIS to queue. | default_transfer_destination |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.outbound.defaultdestination | Determines the default transfer destination during an outbound call in the event a fransfer destination cannot be retrieved from PTK. Change the default_transfer_destination to the VDN outbound calls should be transferred to if a call default transfers from VIS to queue. | default_transfer_destination |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.inbound.useexternalrouting | Determines whether VIS will control inbound call routing, or pass control back to the Avaya CM. true - VIS controls the call routing. false - Avaya CM controls call routing. This property can be overwritten with the URL query string parameter UseExternalRouting | false |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.outbound.useexternalrouting | Determines whether VIS will control outbound call routing, or pass control back to the Avaya CM. true - VIS controls the call routing. false - Avaya CM controls call routing. This property can be overwritten with the URL query string parameter UseExternalRouting | false |
H.323 Avaya Voice Portal (AVP)
Use the following table to configure the additional properties used by AVP with H.323:
Property | Description | Default value |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.useDnisAsSegment | Determines whether to use the call's DNIS as the incoming Platform ToolKit segment. For Segment- or UUI-based routing, set this to false. | true |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.defaultdestination | Determines the default transfer destination during an inbound call in the event a destination cannot be retrieved from PTK. Change the default_transfer_destination to the VDN inbound calls should be transferred to if call default transfers from VIS to queue. | default_transfer_destination |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.outbound.defaultdestination | Determines the default transfer destination during an outbound call in the event a transfer destination cannot be retrieved from PTK. Change the default_transfer_destination to the VDN outbound calls should be transferred to if a call default transfers from VIS to queue. | default_transfer_destination |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.inbound.useexternalrouting | Determines whether VIS will control inbound call routing, or pass control back to the Avaya CM. true - VIS controls the call routing. false - Avaya CM controls call routing. This property can be overwritten with the URL query string parameter UseExternalRouting | false |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.outbound.useexternalrouting | Determines whether VIS will control outbound call routing, or pass control back to the Avaya CM. true - VIS controls the call routing. false - Avaya CM controls call routing. This property can be overwritten with the URL query string parameter UseExternalRouting | false |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.avp.disconectdtmf | Avaya code for a disconnected call after a callback is requested. | converse_on_return_code_to_disconnect |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.avp.normaltransferdtmf | Avaya code for a normal transferred call after a callback is requested. | converse_on_return_code_to_queue |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.avp.troubletransferdtmf | Avaya code for a trouble transfer call after a callback is requested. | Converse_on_return_code_to_queue |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.avp.uuistoredinascii | Determines the format QueueManager uses when storing UUI data for reattaching to a callback. true - uses ASCII format false - uses hexidecimal format | false |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.outbound.cleanupcallbeforesubdialog | Determines whether to queue and dequeue the outbound call before control is passed off in the submit. true - will queue and dequeue the outbound call false - will not queue and dequeue | true |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.transferprefix | Identifies the transfer prefix. Required when using the AVPIDriver. | tel: |
SIP Avaya Voice Portal (AVP)
Use the following table to configure the additional properties used by AVP SIP:
Property | Description | Default value |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.outbound.cleanupcallbeforesubdialog | Determines whether to queue and dequeue the outbound call before control is passed off in the submit. true - will queue and dequeue the outbound call false - will not queue and dequeue | true |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.useDnisAsSegment | Determines whether to use the call's DNIS as the incoming Platform ToolKit segment. For Segment- or UUI-based routing, set this to false. | true |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.defaultdestination | Determines the default transfer destination during an inbound call in the event a destination cannot be retrieved from PTK. Change the default_transfer_destination to the VDN inbound calls should be transferred to if call default transfers from VIS to queue. | default_transfer_destination |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.outbound.defaultdestination | Determines the default transfer destination during an outbound call in the event a fransfer destination cannot be retrieved from PTK. Change the default_transfer_destination to the VDN outbound calls should be transferred to if a call default transfers from VIS to queue. | default_transfer_destination |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.inbound.useexternalrouting | Determines whether VIS will control inbound call routing, or pass control back to the Avaya CM. true - VIS controls the call routing. false - Avaya CM controls call routing. This property can be overwritten with the URL query string parameter UseExternalRouting | false |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.outbound.useexternalrouting | Determines whether VIS will control outbound call routing, or pass control back to the Avaya CM. true - VIS controls the call routing. false - Avaya CM controls call routing. This property can be overwritten with the URL query string parameter UseExternalRouting | false |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.avp.uuistoredinascii | Determines the format QueueManager uses when storing UUI data for reattaching to a callback. true - uses ASCII format false - uses hexidecimal format | false |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.transferprefix | Identifies the transfer prefix. | tel: |
Use the following table to configure the additional property used by CIC:
Property | Description | Default value |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.useDnisAsSegment | Determines whether to use the call's DNIS as the incoming Platform ToolKit segment. true - use the call's DNIS as the incoming PTK segment. false - do not use the call's DNIS as the incoming PTK segment. | true |
Genesys VXML iDriver
Use the following table to configure the additional properties used by Genesys VXML IDriver:
Property | Description | Default value |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.useDnisAsSegment | Determines whether to use the call's DNIS as the incoming Platform ToolKit segment. true - use the call's DNIS as the incoming PTK segment. false - do not use the call's DNIS as the incoming PTK segment. | true |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.genesys.vxmlidriver.uri | Identifies the location of the VXMLIDriver instance or virtual IP for a load balanced solution. | http://IDriver_Instance_Server_Address:IDriver_Instance_Port/gcti/ivrdriver_vg |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.genesys.vxmlidriver.userdata.keys | Colon delimited list of KVP names to retrieve from Genesys. | vht_vis_segment:Key_Name2:Key_Name3 |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.defaultdestination | Determines the default transfer destination during an inbound call in the event a destination cannot be retrieved from PTK. Change the default_transfer_destination to the VDN inbound calls should be transferred to if call default transfers from VIS to queue. | default_transfer_destination |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.outbound.defaultdestination | Determines the default transfer destination during an outbound call in the event a fransfer destination cannot be retrieved from PTK. Change the default_transfer_destination to the VDN outbound calls should be transferred to if a call default transfers from VIS to queue. | default_transfer_destination |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.inbound.useexternalrouting | Determines whether VIS will control inbound call routing, or pass control back to Genesys. true - VIS controls the call routing. false - Genesys controls call routing. This property can be overwritten with the URL query string parameter UseExternalRouting | false |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.outbound.useexternalrouting | Determines whether VIS will control outbound call routing, or pass control back to Genesys. true - VIS controls the call routing. false - Genesys controls call routing. This property can be overwritten with the URL query string parameter UseExternalRouting | false |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.transferprefix | Identifies the transfer prefix. | tel: |
Genesys Voice Platform (GVP)
Use the following table to configure the additional properties used by GVP:
Property | Description | Default value |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.defaultdestination | Determines the default transfer destination during an inbound call in the event a destination cannot be retrieved from PTK. Change the default_transfer_destination to the VDN inbound calls should be transferred to if call default transfers from VIS to queue. | default_transfer_destination |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.outbound.defaultdestination | Determines the default transfer destination during an outbound call in the event a fransfer destination cannot be retrieved from PTK. Change the default_transfer_destination to the VDN outbound calls should be transferred to if a call default transfers from VIS to queue. | default_transfer_destination |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.inbound.useexternalrouting | Determines whether VIS will control inbound call routing, or pass control back to an inbound URS routing strategy. true - GVP behind configuration. false - GVP in front configuration. This property can be overwritten with the URL query string parameter UseExternalRouting | false |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.outbound.useexternalrouting | Determines whether VIS will control outbound call routing, or pass control back to an inbound URS routing startegy. true - GVP behind configuration. false - GVP in front configuration. This property can be overwritten with the URL query string parameter UseExternalRouting | false |
IVG Avaya (IVG version 3.0 or later)
Use the following table to configure the additional properties used by IVG Avaya:
Property | Description | Default value |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.useDnisAsSegment | Determines whether to use the call's DNIS as the incoming Platform ToolKit segment. For Segment- or UUI-based routing, set this to false. | true |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.defaultdestination | Determines the default transfer destination during an inbound call in the event a destination cannot be retrieved from PTK. Change the default_transfer_destination to the VDN inbound calls should be transferred to if call default transfers from VIS to queue. | default_transfer_destination |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.outbound.defaultdestination | Determines the default transfer destination during an outbound call in the event a fransfer destination cannot be retrieved from PTK. Change the default_transfer_destination to the VDN outbound calls should be transferred to if a call default transfers from VIS to queue. | default_transfer_destination |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.inbound.useexternalrouting | Determines whether VIS will control inbound call routing, or pass control back to the Avaya CM. true - VIS controls the call routing. false - Avaya CM controls call routing. This property can be overwritten with the URL query string parameter UseExternalRouting | false |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.outbound.useexternalrouting | Determines whether VIS will control outbound call routing, or pass control back to the Avaya CM. true - VIS controls the call routing. false - Avaya CM controls call routing. This property can be overwritten with the URL query string parameter UseExternalRouting | false |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.avp.uuistoredinascii | Determines the format QueueManager uses when storing UUI data for reattaching to a callback. true - uses ASCII format false - uses hexidecimal format | false |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.hvp.amd.url | Identifies the URL for the answering machine detection (AMD) recording. This value is required, and should not be removed. Enable or Disable AMD in the OCC site.config connection list. | /ccis/amdRecord.jsp |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.hvp.amd.finalsilence | Identifies (in seconds) the amount of silence played at the end of the AMD recording. | 1s |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.hvp.amd.asrengine | dtmf | |
com.virtualhold.hvp.amd.sensitivity | 0.4 | |
com.virtualhold.hvp.amd.maxspeech | Determines the length of time (in seconds) to wait before playing recording. | 20s |
com.virtualhold.hvp.amd.maxinitialsilence | 3s | |
com.virtualhold.hvp.amd.lifethreshold | 4.0 |
Unrelated properties
The following table contains the property not related to HVP Avaya:
Property | Description | Default value |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.outbound.cleanupcallbeforesubdialog | Determines whether to queue and dequeue the outbound call before control is passed off in the submit. true - will queue and dequeue the outbound call false - will not queue and dequeue | true |
IVG Genesys (IVG version 3.3.0 or later)
Use the following table to configure the additional properties used by IVG Genesys:
Property | Description | Default value |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.useDnisAsSegment | Determines whether to use the call's DNIS as the incoming Platform ToolKit segment. true - use the call's DNIS as the incoming PTK segment. false - do not use the call's DNIS as the incoming PTK segment. | true |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.defaultdestination | Determines the default transfer destination during an inbound call in the event a destination cannot be retrieved from PTK. Change the default_transfer_destination to the VDN inbound calls should be transferred to if call default transfers from VIS to queue. | default_transfer_destination |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.outbound.defaultdestination | Determines the default transfer destination during an outbound call in the event a fransfer destination cannot be retrieved from PTK. Change the default_transfer_destination to the VDN outbound calls should be transferred to if a call default transfers from VIS to queue. | default_transfer_destination |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.inbound.useexternalrouting | Determines whether VIS will control inbound call routing, or pass control back to Genesys. true - VIS controls the call routing. false - Genesys controls call routing. This property can be overwritten with the URL query string parameter UseExternalRouting | false |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.outbound.useexternalrouting | Determines whether VIS will control outbound call routing, or pass control back to Genesys. true - VIS controls the call routing. false - Genesys controls call routing. This property can be overwritten with the URL query string parameter UseExternalRouting | false |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.hvp.amd.url | Identifies the URL for the answering machine detection (AMD) recording. This value is required, and should not be removed. Enable or Disable AMD in the OCC site.config connection list. | /ccis/amdRecord.jsp |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.hvp.amd.finalsilence | Identifies (in seconds) the amount of silence played at the end of the AMD recording. | 1s |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.hvp.amd.asrengine | dtmf | |
com.virtualhold.hvp.amd.sensitivity | 0.4 | |
com.virtualhold.hvp.amd.maxspeech | Determines the length of time (in seconds) to wait before playing recording. | 20s |
com.virtualhold.hvp.amd.maxinitialsilence | 3s | |
com.virtualhold.hvp.amd.lifethreshold | 4.0 | |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.hvp.callcontrol.dialoguri | URI for the HVP dialoghttp used to attach userdata. | //localhost:8040/dialoghttp |
Unrelated properties
The following table contains the properties not related to IVG Genesys:
Property | Description | Default value |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.outbound.cleanupcallbeforesubdialog | Determines whether to queue and dequeue the outbound call before control is passed off in the submit. true - will queue and dequeue the outbound call false - will not queue or dequeue | true |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.avp.uuistoresinascci | Determines the format QueueManager uses when storing UUI data for reattaching to a callback. true - uses ASCII format false - uses hexidecimal format | false |
Use the following table to configure the additional properties used by IVG Cisco UCCE:
Property | Description | Default value |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.defaultdestination | Determines the default transfer destination during an inbound call in the event a destination cannot be retrieved from PTK. Change the default_transfer_destination to the VDN inbound calls should be transferred to if call default transfers from VIS to queue. | default_transfer_destination |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.outbound.defaultdestination | Determines the default transfer destination during an outbound call in the event a fransfer destination cannot be retrieved from PTK. Change the default_transfer_destination to the VDN outbound calls should be transferred to if a call default transfers from VIS to queue. | default_transfer_destination |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.hvp.amd.url | Identifies the URL for the answering machine detection (AMD) recording. This value is required, and should not be removed. Enable or Disable AMD in the OCC site.config connection list. | /ccis/amdRecord.jsp |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.hvp.amd.finalsilence | Identifies (in seconds) the amount of silence played at the end of the AMD recording. | 1s |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.hvp.amd.asrengine | dtmf | |
com.virtualhold.hvp.amd.sensitivity | 0.4 | |
com.virtualhold.hvp.amd.maxspeech | Determines the length of time (in seconds) to wait before playing recording. | 20s |
com.virtualhold.hvp.amd.maxinitialsilence | 3s | |
com.virtualhold.hvp.amd.lifethreshold | 4.0 | |
com.virtualold.toolkit.holly.ctiurl | Identifies the URL for the Holly CTI. | https://localhost:8443/holly/update |
com.toolkit.holly.serviceid | Identifies the peripheral number for outbound service. | 1 |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.hollycallvariablenumber | Identifies the call variable number. Values must fall between 1-10. | 10 |
Unrelated properties
The following table contains the properties not related to IVG Cisco UCCE:
Property | Description | Default value |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.outbound.cleanupcallbeforesubdialog | Determines whether to queue and dequeue the outbound call before control is passed off in the submit. true - will queue and dequeue the outbound call false - will not queue and dequeue | true |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.useDnisAsSegment | Determines whether to use the call's DNIS as the incoming Platform ToolKit segment. true - use the call's DNIS as the incoming PTK segment. false - do not use the call's DNIS as the incoming PTK segment. | true |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.inbound.useexternalrouting | Determines whether VIS will control inbound call routing, or pass control back to Cisco. true - VIS controls the call routing. false - Cisco controls call routing. This property can be overwritten with the URL query string parameter UseExternalRouting | false |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.outbound.useexternalrouting | Determines whether VIS will control outbound call routing, or pass control back to Cisco. true - VIS controls the call routing. false - Cisco controls call routing. This property can be overwritten with the URL query string parameter UseExternalRouting | false |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.avp.uuistoredinascii | Determines the format Queue Manager uses when storing UUI data for reattaching to a callback. true - uses ASCII format false - uses hexadecimal format | false |
Cisco UCCE / Cisco Voice Platform (CVP)
CVP and Cisco UCCE only require common properties.
Cisco UCCX
Cisco UCCX does not require the following common properties:
- com.virtualhold.toolkit.audiopath
- com.virtualhold.toolkit.webaudiopath
Use the following table to configure the additional property used by Cisco UCCX:
Property | Description | Default value |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.disableNameRecording | Determines whether to enable or disable customer name recording. true - Disable customer name recording. false - Enable customer name recording. | true |
Unrelated properties
The following table contains the property not related to Cisco UCCX:
Property | Description | Default value |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.useDnisAsSegment | Determines whether to use the call's DNIS as the incoming Platform ToolKit segment. true - use the call's DNIS as the incoming PTK segment. false - do not use the call's DNIS as the incoming PTK segment. | true |
Use the following table to configure the additional properties used by Voxeo:
Property | Description | Default value |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.useDnisAsSegment | Determines whether to use the call's DNIS as the incoming Platform ToolKit segment. true - use the call's DNIS as the incoming PTK segment. false - do not use the call's DNIS as the incoming PTK segment. | true |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.defaultdestination | Determines the default transfer destination during an inbound call in the event a destination cannot be retrieved from PTK. Change the default_transfer_destination to the VDN inbound calls should be transferred to if call default transfers from VIS to queue. | default_transfer_destination |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.outbound.defaultdestination | Determines the default transfer destination during an outbound call in the event a fransfer destination cannot be retrieved from PTK. Change the default_transfer_destination to the VDN outbound calls should be transferred to if a call default transfers from VIS to queue. | default_transfer_destination |
VTOP does not require the following common properties:
- com.virtualhold.toolkit.audiopath
- com.virtualhold.toolkit.webaudiopath
Use the following table to configure the additional property used by VTOP:
Property | Description | Default value |
com.virtualhold.toolkit.outbound.defaultdestination | Determines the default transfer destination during an outbound call in the event a fransfer destination cannot be retrieved from PTK. Change the default_transfer_destination to the VDN outbound calls should be transferred to if a call default transfers from VIS to queue. | default_transfer_destination |
Configuring language
- Navigate to Configuration > Segments > VXML Interaction Server (VIS).
- Select a queue from the dropdown.
- Select a Segment from the dropdown.
- Select a Language from the dropdown.
- Click Save Changes.
- Repeat Steps 1-5 for any additional languages.
- Contain the numbers zero through nine
- Used for phone numbers and extensions
- Contains the numbers zero through fifty-nine
- Used to play minutes that need to be spoken for EWT
- Contains the numbers zero through twenty-three
- Used to play hours that need to be spoken for EWT
- Contains the numbers zero through fifty-nine
- Used to play any minutes that need to be spoken for time
- Contains the numbers zero through twenty-three
- Used to play any hours that need to be spoken for time.
Configuring the voice prompt script
- Navigate to Configuration > Segments > VXML Interaction Server (VIS).
- Select a queue from the dropdown.
- Select a Segment from the dropdown.
- Enter the directory name of the voice prompt script in the Script Name field.
- Click Save Changes.
- Repeat Steps 1-5 for any additional languages.
Configuring timezone
- Navigate to Configuration > Segments > VXML Interaction Server (VIS).
- Select a queue from the dropdown.
- Select a Segment from the dropdown.
- Set the Ask for caller's timezone switch to ON to enable time zone selection.
- Set the Default timezone offer callbacks based on the local server time
This setting must be set in order for other time zones to take effect.
- Set up to nine additional timezones.
- Click Save Changes.
- Restart the server in order for changes to take effect.
Customizing external media files
Clients may use customized sets of voice prompts instead of the standard voice files provided by VHT® software. The custom voice prompts must be organized using a specific folder structure so that the VXML Interaction Server (VIS) correctly recognizes and plays the files.Stage the voice files on any machine as you copy and arrange them, then deploy the files to the media servers.Use the file VHT Download Center as a starting point, or create a new parent folder to hold the voice files.This documentation assumes you are starting with the voices folder.The parent voices folder must contain a subfolder for each language used. These folders must be named:- VHT_Arabic
- VHT_Danish
- VHT_Dutch
- VHT_English
- VHT_EUPortuguese
- VHT_Finnish
- VHT_FrenchCanadian
- VHT_German
- VHT_Greek
- VHT_Hebrew
- VHT_Japanese
- VHT_Italian
- VHT_Korean
- VHT_MandarinChinese
- VHT_Norwegian
- VHT_Polish
- VHT_Russian
- VHT_SpanishNA
- VHT_Swedish
- VHT_Turkish
Available language depends on the VIS version. Refer to the Compatibility and Integration Matrix for language details.
If using the voices folder from the VHT software with no changes, skip the following steps, and continue with the deployment steps listed in the Deploying External Media Files topic in the VXML Interaction Server Installation Guide.
Creating custom voice prompts
Each language folder must contain a subfolder named Default, and optional extra subfolders containing custom files. VIS looks for a custom voice file first. If a custom file cannot be found, it will use the files from the Default folder.
The Default folder contains the standard set of voice prompts. VHT best practices recommend making a copy of this folder under a different name such, as VHT_Defaults. This preserves the files in case you need to use them later for troubleshooting.
To set up custom prompts for VIS:- Navigate to the voices folder. Open the subfolder for the first language.
- You will see a Default folder. This folder contains
Delete the contents of the Default folder and copy the files for the first custom call script here.
The Default folder must also contain the following files:
- .library
- ContactNumber.grxml
- ContactNumber.regex
- recordtone.wav
- To set up a second call script, create a new folder at the same level as Default, and copy the custom prompts for the second call script into it.
- Repeat step 4 for the remaining call scripts.Note:The new folders only need to contain those files which differ from the default. However, you may choose to copy entire prompt sets into the new folders. This will make the copying process simpler, but will result in more .wav files being stored on the media server(s).Any major variation (such as male/female voice or US English/British English) must contain the full prompt set in its folder. It must also include blank .wav files to replace any files that are present in the default set that should not be played. This is to avoid mixing genders or languages. Refer to the Sample Voice Project below.
- Make sure each subfolder under [first language] contains an empty .library file (size 0 KB). If needed, copy the .library file from the Default folder and paste it into the others. This file is used by VIS to help determine if there are Custom Media voice prompts to be used or if Default for the language should be used.
- Repeat steps 1-6 for each supported language.
- Deploy the voices folder and its contents to the media servers. Learn more in Deploying External Media Files.
- Use Configuration to configure the correct language and custom folder name. Learn more in the VIS section of the Configuration User Guide.
Sample voice project
A client has six call scripts in English: four in US English and two in British English. The voice project should be set up in \voices\VHT_English as follows:- The default set of US English prompts in "Default"
- Custom prompts only in US English in "VHTCallScript_2", "VHTCallScript_3", and "VHTCallScript_4"
- Full prompt sets in British English in "VHTCallScript_5" and "VHTCallScript_6"
Configuring VIS for System Management monitoring
In Callback 8.1 or later, VIS can be monitored in the System Management interface. This allows administrators to see its status (started, stopped, or unknown) along with the status of other Callback components.
When Virtual Hold is installed or updated, it will automatically install a Web Monitor component on each Management Instance. This Web Monitor can be configured to monitor instances of VIS by manually editing the site.config file for the Notification Server.
The System Management user interface will display each VIS instance as a component. If VIS is installed on a Management Instance, it will display inside the appropriate Management Instance container. If VIS is installed outside of a Management Instance, it will appear in its own container.
Configuring VIS for System Management monitoring
In Callback 8.1 or later, VIS can be monitored in the System Management interface. This allows administrators to see its status (started, stopped, or unknown) along with the status of other Callback components.
When Virtual Hold is installed or updated, it will automatically install a Web Monitor component on each Management Instance. This Web Monitor can be configured to monitor instances of VIS by manually editing the site.config file for the Notification Server.
The System Management user interface will display each VIS instance as a component. If VIS is installed on a Management Instance, it will display inside the appropriate Management Instance container. If VIS is installed outside of a Management Instance, it will appear in its own container.