Service recovery

Customers occasionally give negative feedback about an interaction with your team. Because the way you respond to negative feedback influences customer loyalty, customer experience teams often implement a service recovery process to guide responses to customers who have had negative experiences.

Service recovery flow

Medallia Agent Connect integrates with your CRM solution as part of your service recovery process.

After a customer leaves negative feedback, details about that interaction are flagged in your CRM or case management system. This process is managed through the Agent Connect data return API, through which you configure the types of negative feedback that are flagged. For example, you might want to flag all one-star feedback that includes a comment. For more information about the data return API, see the Agent Connect API documentation.

Use any of the the following criteria to trigger the service-recovery process. For example, you might want to begin service recovery based on one-star, phone interactions that include the tag vip_customer.

  • Star rating
  • Multiple choice
  • FCR
  • NPS
  • Custom scalar
  • Responses with or without comments
  • Tags or custom properties
  • Channel
  • Brand

As feedback flows into your system, your team reviews customer records and interaction details to determine whether a follow-up is appropriate. Your service recovery team then follows-up directly with customers.

After the service recovery interaction, you close the case in your internal system. This action trigger a recovery-survey request to the customer, which enables you to understand whether you have reversed the customer’s negative sentiment. Just as with initial feedback surveys, you can configure service recovery surveys to meet your specific requirements. For more information, see Creating a recovery survey, below.

Customer responses to service recovery surveys appear in Customer feedback and the Stream of the relevant Team Member and Team Leader. Agent Connect also uses these responses in the aggregated data displayed in the Service Recovery Trends Dashboard.

Creating a recovery survey

Creating a recovery survey is similar to creating the surveys used to gather initial feedback, as described in Surveys. A recovery survey includes a request, a subject line, one or more questions for the customer, and a thank you page.

  1. On the Settings screen, click Service Recovery.

    The Recovery Survey screen appears.

  2. If your company is using multiple languages for surveys, in the Language dropdown select the first language for the survey.
  3. Configure the Survey Request email to determine what customers see in their email inbox when receiving a request for feedback.
    1. In the navigation area, click Survey Request.
    2. In the edit area, enter an email subject line for each channel used by your company.
    3. Use the Preview dropdown in the preview area to see the subject line for each channel as it will appear to customers.
  4. The survey includes a single Yes/No Recovery question used by customers to answer whether their service was recovered.
    1. In the navigation area, click the Recovery question.
    2. Enter a Message to appear next to the Team Member's profile picture.
    3. Enter Question text that can be answered either Yes or No.

    For example:

    A service recovery survey

  5. Optionally, add other questions to the survey.

    For detailed information about each question type and the fields you can configure for each type, see Question types.

    1. In the navigation area, click Add a question, and then select a question type.
    2. In the edit area, configure the details for the question.
    3. To reorder a question, drag and drop the question in the navigation area.
    4. To delete a question, hover over the question and click the trashcan icon.
  6. Configure the Thank You page of your survey.
    1. In the navigation area, click Thank You Page.
    2. In the Message based on response from question field, select the recovery question.
    3. In the edit area enter Thank you text for variations of the page depending on whether the customer answered Yes (Recovered) or No (Not recovered).
  7. Preview and test your survey.
    1. In the navigation area, click Preview & Test.
    2. In the edit area, enter your email address, and then click Send test.
    3. Preview and complete the survey email you receive.
    4. If needed, make changes to the survey and then send another preview.
  8. When you are satisfied with your survey in all languages, in the navigation area click Publish, and then in the confirmation dialog click Publish survey.
  9. If your company is using multiple languages for surveys, repeat this procedure for each language.