Medallia Agile Research
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Overview of Medallia Agile Research features and functionality
Create, customize, and launch surveys
Information on Custom Scripting Language (CSL), prefilling and postfilling questions, branching, and page display logic
Account administration
Account administrators can manage users, passwords, survey permissions, and activity logs
Distribute surveys, create contact lists, and configure targeted panels
Create and edit reports to analyze consumer data
Add languages and translations to surveys
Notifications alert you when a respondent selects one or more specific answers in your survey. They make it easy to complete the cycle and manage the follow-up of dissatisfied respondents
Social media
Sharing surveys on social media and posting surveys to various social media platforms
Text analysis
Information on text analysis tags and Net Sentiment Score (NSS)
Show privacy notices on your surveys and other legal/privacy topics
Use credits to prepay for Medallia Agile Research services and other Agile Research products (subscriptions, surveys, panels, etc).
Enabling Medallia Agile Research in Experience Cloud
This guide provides instructions on provisioning and enabling access to Agile Research for both new and existing Experience Cloud customers.
Medallia Agile Research Release Notes
Changes and release-specific details.