Agent goals

Agent Goals is a feature that helps Team Members and their Managers to define objectives and action items that will help Team Members achieve those objectives. Agent Goals allows Team Members to clearly understand expectations of their performance and how they can reach their professional goals through pointed actions set out by their Managers.

Agents can better understand how to grow in their careers with clear objectives and steps to take. It's an important step for Team Members and Managers to align together and aims at helping Teams and Team Members grow their careers within the organization. Agent Goals is an imperative tool for Managers to facilitate the coaching process and is a motivational tool for Team Members to get to the next level within their profession.


Company Admins have the permission to set up Team Metric Goals for any Team and all Team Leaders have the permission to set up Team Metric Goals for their team.

Team Metric Goal

A Team Metric Goal is a metric-based goal that can be set up for any metric that Agent Connect supports and by any Team Leader or Company Admin. A Team Metric Goal should be treated as the minimum baseline threshold that any Agent on that Team should be achieving. For example, everyone on Aaron Kee's team should be achieving a Star Rating metric of 4.3 or higher. A Team Member may have a more aggressive Personal goal for that metric, but it is the baseline expectation that all Team Members on Aaron Kee's team has at least 4.3 Star Rating.

Set up a Goal

On the Performance page, ensure that you are filtered to the Team you want to set up a Team Metric Goal for. Scrolll down the page to look for the Team Goals module and click on the Create New Goal button.

example of creating a goal

Select the Team for whom you would like to set up a Team Metric Goal. The Start and Due Date fields are optional for Goals and do not need to be filled out in order for a Team Metric Goal to be applied. If no dates are selected, then the Team Metric Goal starts on the date in which the Goal has been set and runs indefinitely, until the user who sets up the Goal Completes or Archives the Goal.

Under the Metric dropdown, select the Metric that you'd like to set up your Goal for and then user the Goal slider or manually input the Goal for that metric.

Please note that if a Goal currently exists for a metric, another Goal may not be set up for that metric until the current one has been marked as Complete or Archive. If a user tries to set up a Goal for the same metric within the same time frame, they will receive an error message.

Once a Team Metric Goal has been set up, it will be visible in the Team Goals carousel when the Performance page is filtered to that Team.

example of team metrics

Complete or Archive a Goal

A Goal is considered Complete when a Team Leader has determined that enough Team Members on that Team has sufficiently met that Goal. At that point in time, the Team Leader can click on the 3-dot button on the Goal card to Complete the Goal. You will notice a toast appear at the top of the Performance page for about 30 seconds, where you can undo that action if it was unintentionally clicked on.

A Goal may be considered Archived when that Goal is no longer relevant or applicable to that specific Team. Examples of this may include: the Team has shifted trajectory in terms of what is considered a baseline threshold of performance (ie: either the Goal currently set is too high or too low and the Team Leader needs to make a slight adjustment to the Goal) or the business is no longer focusing on that Goal and it's no longer relevant. The Team Leader can click on the 3-dot button on the Goal Card to Archive the Goal and has 30 seconds to undo that action if that action was unintentional.

Viewing Past Goals

In order to view past Goals, a user can click on the Past goals link. This slide-out panel will list all the Goals that were created and marked as Complete and/or Archived. Details about who set the goal, when it was set, when the Goal's start date was (if applicable) and when the Completed/Archived date was. Please note that all timestamps are marked in UTC timezone.