Setting up 1:1s

Accessing 1:1s

Navigate to your 1:1s by clicking the 1:1s button on your top menu bar. This will lead you to a page to select the team member you'd like to view or begin a session for. Search for that team member in the search bar.

Within your 1:1 session, you can add different elements to help guide your coaching session.

  • Title

  • Categories

  • Coaching notes and templates

  • Configurable metrics

  • Personal notes

  • Kudos

  • Action items

  • Completed Since Last Session

You'll want to set these up before you meet.

Read 1:1 best practices to learn more.


With the 1:1s feature, you can designate coaching categories that you would like to make sure your team considers as part of their 1:1 meetings. Your team leaders will use these to categorize action items, providing context to team members during 1:1 conversations, and providing you with a way to track what is discussed and how often.

1:1 Categories should be the metrics or behaviors your team should be coaching to.

We will have 4 default coaching categories set up:

  1. Other

  2. Productivity

  3. Quality

  4. Agent Connect

However, you can update these defaults to use whichever categories best reflect your team and unique goals.

To update your categories:

  • Settings > 1:1s > 1:1 Categories.

  • Click the "Add New +" button to add new categories and archive old ones.

image of one on one categories

Coaching templates

Coaches can apply pre-configured templates to the notes field rather than creating new notes for each session. This helps to standardize 1:1 sessions by using the same outline and topics for all coachees.

example of applying a template

For instructions on creating and using templates, see 1:1 best practices.

Configurable metrics

You can configure which individual metrics are shown within each 1:1 session.

example metrics overview

To configure your metrics:

  • Settings > Metric Configuration > Key Metric Set

  • Select and order the metrics you want used for 1:1s.

image of the key metric set page

Supported Metrics

  • Stars — Average Star Rating, Percent Five Star, Percent One Star, Percent Positive, Percent Negative, Response Rate

  • QA — Average QA Score

  • NPS — Net Promoter Score, Percent Promoters, Percent Detractors, Percent Passive

  • First Case Resolution — Percent Resolved, Percent Unresolved

  • Customer Additional Question Metrics — If you have an additional question on your survey that you'd like to report on, we can manually configure this for you. Just reach out to your CSM and let them know what you're interested in.

User permissions

Private 1:1s introduces two new methods for setting coaching session visibility. Admins can set the company's default level of visibility, and for further privacy, coaches can mark individual sessions as Private with just a click.

image of one on one permissions

Admins can go to the 1:1s Settings tile to set the company's default level of visibility, determining whether Team Leaders can view all 1:1s sessions or only those relevant to them, while coaches will now find a Private Session checkbox on each individual session, allowing them to ensure only the coach, coachee, and Admins can access the session once it's shared.

image of the private session checkbox

See Private 1:1s to learn more.