Remove feedback from the Stream

From time to time, you may want to remove feedback from your Stream. Whether that's a comment or the entire response, including star rating and comment. We offer both options directly on the Stream, available to admins only.

Note: Removed data cannot be retrieved. Be sure you want the data removed before proceeding.

To get started, click the triangular icon on the bottom right-hand side of any piece of feedback on the Stream. You'll be presented with two options:

  1. Remove this comment: This option will remove just the comment, but leave the star rating in place. The star rating will continue to count as part of the team member's overall average. This option is most useful when the comment includes profanity or otherwise unnecessary language.

  2. Remove all data: This option will remove the entire response from both the Stream and dashboards. Selecting this option means that the feedback will no longer count as part of the team member's average star rating. This option is most useful when you feel that the response is inaccurate or generally unhelpful. ​​

animated demonstration of removing feedback from the stream

We recommend that you put rules in place for using this feature and communicate these rules clearly across your team. Deleting feedback can skew star ratings and other metrics, so you'll want to be sure this option is used consistently and sparingly.

Turning on the Profanity Filter

Agent Connect should provide an environment for positive reinforcement, motivation and coaching opportunities. Profanity has no place in this product.

What is it?

Our Profanity Filter provides you with the ability to mute inflammatory or derogatory language from your Team's feedback streams. This will hide any of this language under a warning if necessary. You can specify terms that you want to block from your team's Feedback Streams.

Note: Team members can still see specific feedback if they choose to, and the star rating from the feedback including blocked terms will continue to towards the team member's overall rating.

How Do You Use it?

Speak to your CSM to turn on the Profanity Filter. We offer a comprehensive list of common keywords that can be applied for you by default. If after the list is added, you see anything you'd like to add to the list, simply let your CSM know.