QA Dashboard

The QA Dashboard gives you granular insight into Team Member performance, shows how your QA program is trending overall, and provides a detailed look at the sections and questions with which your team is struggling the most. For more information, see Quality Assurance (QA).

To open the QA Dashboard, click QA in the Medallia Agent Connect navigation bar, and then click Dashboard.

QA Dashboard for Team Members

Team Members viewing the QA Dashboard see only reviews for their interactions. The Overview section provides high-level statistics about the Team Member's performance, while the Completed Reviews section provides summary information about all of the reviews completed for the Team Member's interactions.

The QA Dashboard, as seen by Team Members

Click a Team Member's name in any row to open that review.

QA Dashboard for Team Leaders

Team Leaders have a more detailed view of the QA Dashboard, which includes several tabs.

Overview tab

The Overview tab provides summary statistics to help you understand quickly how your QA program is progressing. It shows how many total reviews were completed, and how many of those are scored and how many were only annotated. The Team overview section shows the overall average score for your team, and the number of team members that have had a review.

The Overview tab of the QA Dashboard

Use the Scorecard overview to compare the performance of reviews using each of your scorecards. For example, you might notice that your team is performing significantly better on chat and email compared to phone interactions. This information can help you direct your attention where it is most needed. Similarly, the Trends over time chart can help you identify patterns of behavior in QA performance.

The Scorecards overview section at the bottom of the Overview tab lists summary information for each QA scorecard. To see a more detailed report for a scorecard, click See details. For example, the following image shows a detailed view of the Email & Chat scorecard:

The top of the scorecard detailed view

The Total reviews and Team overview sections in the detailed view behave just as with the main Overview, but show data only for the selected scorecard. The bar and trend-line charts can be very useful in uncovering where your team needs the most help. For example, you might notice that the team is struggling more with Grammar & Spelling than with Policies & Documentation.

The scorecard section shows detailed information about how your team was scored by scorecard section. This level of insight is critical, so Medallia recommends that you implement sections in your scorecards. For more information, see Scorecards.

The bottom of the scorecard detailed view

The scorecard question breakdown helps you identify potential problem areas or areas of excellence at a glance. For example, if you notice that your team is not answering customer questions in a timely manner, you might decide that your team needs additional training, or that your research process needs to be optimized.

To return to the Overview tab of the QA Dashboard, click Back to Overview.

Team members tab

The Team members tab provides overview information about the performance of your team as a whole, along with a summary of each individual Team Member's performance. The table has tabs for total and per-scorecard performance, and shows trending data compared to the previous time period so you can identify if any Team Member's performance is improving or declining in quality.

The Team members tab of the QA Dashboard

To review the completed reviews for any Team Member, click See reviews in that Team Member's row. Use this feature to review the qualitative information left by QA reviewers. You can page between all applicable reviews for the Team Member using the arrow buttons at the top of the reviews. For more information about QA reviews, see Review interactions.

Completed reviews tab

The Completed reviews tab shows information for all of the QA reviews completed for your Team Members. To see detailed information for a review, click the Team Member's name in the row for that review.

The Completed reviews tab of the QA Dashboard

Drafts tab

Similar to the Completed reviews tab, the Drafts tab shows information for the QA reviews for your team that are yet to be completed.