Summary reports

Medallia Agent Connect includes three summary reports to give Team Leaders and Admins a high-level view of your company's performance, including the tags reported by your contact center software, the teams in your Agent Connect organization, and individual Team Members. To open the summary report, click Trends in the Medallia Agent Connect navigation bar, and then click either Tags, Teams, or Team Members.

Tags summary report

The Tags report shows how your company performance is trending across various contact center tags. Tags are custom labels assigned by your CRM and which identify or classify customer interaction events. Tags are specific to your business; there are no default tags. There is no practical limit to the number of tags your business can have, but the Tags summary report only shows 20 tags.

Because the filters in this report search all of the records available, and then populate the table according to the tags it finds in those records, some of the filters in this report behave differently than in other reports. The Date Range and Language filters limit the data displayed as you might expect. Nothing outside the values set for those filters is displayed.

However, the Channel, Tags, and Teams filters behave differently. If a survey includes any tag in a record matching your search criteria for these fields, the table includes a row for that tag. For example, if you search only for records with the store tag, the table might include rows for other tags because those tags were found in the same records that have the store tag.

The Tags summary report

Teams summary report

The Teams summary report shows aggregate data for teams across survey scores, Areas of Improvement, Areas of Excellence, 1:1 sessions, and QA reviews. To export a CSV file of all data in the report, click Generate CSV. Click any Team Leader name in the table to see more detail for that team in the Team Trends Dashboard.

Metrics tab

The Metrics tab provides score-related data for each team, including trend information compared to the previous time period selected in the Date Range filter. For example, in the following image the report is filtered to show data for a 30-day Date Range.

The Metrics tab in the Teams summary report

Areas of Improvement and Areas of Excellence tabs

The Areas of Improvement and Areas of Excellence tabs show the total votes each team has received for each area. For more information, see Areas of Excellence and Areas of Improvement.

The Areas of Improvement tab in the Teams summary report

1:1s tab

The 1:1s tab shows the count of sessions conducted for each team in the time period specified by the Date Range, and the number of times each coaching category was used in those sessions. For more information, see 1:1s.

QA tab

The QA tab shows the number of QA reviews performed for the Team Members in each team, aggregated data for review scores, the channels used in the interactions, and the number of annotations included in the reviews. For more information about QA and reviews, see Quality Assurance (QA).

The QA tab in the Teams summary report

Team Members summary report

The Team Members summary report includes the same tabs and the same types of data displayed in the Teams summary report described above, but with data for individual Team Members instead of full teams.

To export a CSV file of all data in the report, click Generate CSV.

Click any Team Member name in the table to see more detail for that Team Member in the Team Member Trends Dashboard.

The Metrics tab of the Team Members summary report