Edit and approve profiles

Profiles created or edited by a Team Leader or Admin are automatically approved when the changes are saved. However, when a Team Member edits their own profile, the changes need to be approved before the new information appears in surveys. Admins and Team Leaders can also edit the profile to assign additional permissions to the member.
  1. On the Settings screen, click Manage Team.
  2. On the Manage Team screen, click the pencil icon next to the profile to edit.
  3. Provide any missing information that is required (fields marked with an asterisk).
  4. Make other changes as needed, such as changing a profile picture that does not meet company guidelines.
  5. Optional: Provide additional permissions.
    In the Additional Permissions section, select one or more permissions that expand the user's permissions beyond the usual limitations of the role. For example, you might want to give a Team Member the ability to export survey data. For more information about permissions, see Permissions.
  6. Click either Update and Approve team member or Update team member, depending on whether the profile has already been approved or not.
The profile is now active, and is available to the user.