Edit profiles in bulk

Teams change and grow, and keeping team data up-to-date can be an overwhelming task. To make the process more efficient, Agent Connect provides the ability for you to bulk update multiple profiles at once.

With bulk updates you can

  • change most user information, including email addresses, custom employee IDs, and basic profile information such as profiles bios, hometowns, and names.
  • reassign Team Members to report to a new Team Leader or Admin.
  • change enabled support channels.

Bulk editing cannot

  • reassign Team Leaders and Admins to report to a new Team Leader or Admin.
  • deactivate Team Leader or Admin roles.
  • update profile pictures in bulk updates.

All of these restricted changes must be done by editing profiles individually, as described in Edit and approve profiles.

Tip: Because teams change regularly, Medallia recommends updating profiles with a bulk edit on a regular schedule, such as weekly.
  1. On the Settings screen, click Manage Team.
  2. In the Add/Edit Team Members dropdown, select Bulk update.
    The Bulk Update Team Members screen
  3. On the Bulk Update Team Members screen, click Download Current Team.
    This downloads a spreadsheet listing all of your team's profiles, including those that have been deactivated.
  4. In the spreadsheet, make updates as needed.
    All required fields must be completed for the upload process to be successful.

    Remove deactivated team members with incomplete profiles before trying to upload the updated file.

    A bulk update spreadsheet

  5. Save the file as either Unicode text or UTF-16 Unicode format.
    Important: The upload process fails unless the file is saved as one of these formats.
  6. On the Bulk Update Team Members screen, click Choose file, and then select your updated file.
  7. Click Preview.

    Agent Connect displays a preview with errors highlighted in red, and valid changes highlighted in green.

    A preview of bulk edits

  8. If needed, correct any errors in the file, then re-upload and and preview the file.
  9. When all changes in the preview are green, click Continue.

    Agent Connect begins the update process. If there are any issues making the profile changes, Agent Connect sends you an email so you can re-upload a new file if necessary.

    Note: If there is an error while processing the changes, none of your changes are saved. This enables you to make your updates from a known, good state, and not from a partially-updated state.
The profiles are now updated with their new information.