Edit user profiles and approve changes

Make changes to team member and leader profiles.

Once your team has been created in Agent Connect, you may come across instances where a user's profile needs to be updated. Perhaps their email address has changed, or a specific agent will be reporting to a new team leader. Editing profiles is simple, and in this article, you will learn how to edit profiles individually (for information on bulk updating profiles, see Edit profiles in bulk).

On the Manage Team page, you can click on the row of any user profile or select the triple dot option in the Actions column to choose the option Edit User.

example of editing a user profile

The user's profile will appear in a side panel where changes can be made. Note that you'll need to ensure the required fields are completed before saving any changes to the profile.

example of editing a user profile

Approving pending profiles and user statuses

If an admin is editing a profile, their changes are automatically approved when the changes are saved. However, if a non-admin user edits their own profile, their changes will need approval before we'll begin displaying the updated information in surveys.

You'll do this on the Manage Team page in the Settings section. You'll be able to see each of your team members as well as their current status. Profiles can fall under any of these statuses depending on the current state of the user:

Users who have signed in and had their profile approved — these users are ready to send feedback requests
Pending Review
Users who have signed in and submitted their profile — you need to review and approve these profiles before the agent can send requests
The user's profile is not valid, as the agent has not signed in and the profile is missing some information.
Users who have signed into Agent Connect but haven't completed their profile — it's worth giving them a nudge to remind them to get started
Users who have never signed into Agent Connect — get in touch and tell them they're late to the party!
The user's profile is not valid, as it has been deactivated.

Profiles with changes waiting to be approved can be accessed by admins (or users in other roles with the appropriate permission enabled) by clicking Bulk Actions and selecting Pending Profiles from the dropdown menu.

image of the bulk actions menu

The Pending Profiles page will list all accounts that are waiting approval before Feedback requests associated with their user profile can be sent. If a profile is not present on the page, the profile is missing at least one required element for approval or is already in an approved status.

User profiles can be audited in a list view or individually, and multiple profiles can then be selected and approved using the Approve Selected button in the top left.

image of the pending profiles page