Survey Builder

Our Survey Builder allows you to create surveys for collecting feedback from your customers. In this article, you'll find information regarding the following Survey Builder functionality:

  • Adding, removing, and re-ordering survey questions

  • Tweaking question verbiage and labels

  • Showing or hiding Team Member profile photo and bio per question

  • Toggling comments on varied question types

  • Live survey preview by interaction channel, brand, and language

  • Sending a test survey via email

  • Configuring a Thank You page by question type and survey response logic

  • Managing multi-language survey translations​

Before building your survey, you'll want to make sure that you've customized your brand logo and colors by going to Settings > Company Info. You should also ensure that each of the channels your team uses to support customers has been set up (for help with custom channels, please contact your account's Client Success Manager).​Now let's get started!​

First, navigate to the Survey Builder by going to Settings (click the gear icon in the upper right-hand corner of Agent Connect), then click on the Survey Builder tile. The survey builder page is broken up into sections to make it easier to use:

image of the survey builder page
  • Navigation in the left-hand sidebar: This shows which step of the survey building process you're on, and lets you add, remove, and re-order survey questions

  • Preview in the center section: This section shows a live preview of your survey as you make changes in the builder.

  • Editing in the right-hand sidebar: This section displays options for customizing question verbiage and more.​​

  • Publishing in the top right-hand corner: You'll find the option to preview each language of your survey, should you utilize our multi-language functionality, and the ability to publish or discard your changes.

Building your survey

Use the left-hand navigation sidebar to step through the survey building process, either by clicking on each available survey section, or clicking the green Next button at the bottom of the navigation sidebar.​

Step 1: Survey Request Email

Configure the survey request email on this page. The survey request email determines what customers will see in their email inbox when they open your survey email. For each of your supported channels, you'll want to be sure to customize the question verbiage. Once you're happy with the survey request email, click Next.​

Step 2: Create Questions

By default, if you're just getting started with Agent Connect, we'll pre-populate our best-practice survey: Star Rating (with Areas of Excellence & Areas of Improvement), First Contact Resolution (FCR), and Net Promoter Score (NPS). This is designed to maximize your response rate and produce granular & actionable agent-specific feedback via a Star Rating question, while also giving you insights needed to optimize your organization's customer experience processes through the FCR and NPS questions.

We find that this survey structure works best to balance all of those key feedback points while keeping response rates high. However, you're free to build the survey that works best for your team!

  • You can re-order questions by clicking & holding them in the left-hand navigation sidebar, then dragging them to their new location. Or you can remove questions by clicking the trashcan icon.​

  • You can swap out Rewards for Areas of Excellence in the Areas of Excellence / Rewards section found in the left-hand navigation sidebar by clicking "Edit Areas of Excellence/Rewards" which will take you to the settings page to change the Areas of Excellence selection options customers can choose from when completing the survey.​

  • You can change the Areas of Improvement displayed in the survey in the Areas of Improvement section of the survey builder.​

  • Questions can be added by clicking the + Add a Question button, then selecting a question type. By default, surveys can be up to three questions long.​

Example of using the survey builder
Note: Changes to a survey question are made in place. This can result in confusing/inaccurate data elsewhere in the app if you make a meaningful change to a question.


If you change your Custom Scale question verbiage from "It was easy to solve my problem" to "I would hire the representative I spoke with for my own business," the new question verbiage will be saved over the old. Trying to compare metrics historically will now become difficult.

When meaningfully changing a question within your survey, we recommend removing the existing question using the trashcan icon and adding a new question in its place. Deleting the question from your survey in the builder will not delete any historical data associated with that old question, while also allowing the new question to appear as net-new data in your reporting.

Once your survey questions are complete, click Next to continue.​

Step 3: Thank You Page

The Thank You Page is what customers will see after they've completed your survey. We recommend using this as an opportunity to engage with satisfied customers using our Marketing features (find Marketing feature customization options by navigating to Settings > Marketing). Marketing flows allow you to nudge customers to share their experience via social media, or to redirect them to a company landing page for re-engagement.

Thank You Pages are conditional, based on a response to a Star Rating, NPS, or FCR question.

example of configuring a thank you page

Select a question type, set the text you'd like to show up, and enable the Marketing feature by clicking Enable Marketing Features.​ Note that this will take you to a different page and that you'll need to refresh the Survey Builder before your Marketing page changes will appear in the Survey Builder when you return. Remember - your draft survey is auto-saved so no need to worry!

Once you're done, click Next to try out your finished product!​​

Step 4: Preview & Test

Now that you've built your survey, you can click through it end-to-end, or send a test survey to yourself or a teammate. ​

Note: We always recommend sending a test survey before publishing changes.

If anything looks off, simply click the back button or navigate straight to the section that needs updating. If everything looks good, click Publish, confirm your changes, and your new survey will be live!​​

Step 5: Translate (Optional)

In the event you have customers in multiple locales, who prefer to read & write in languages other than English, you may want to utilize our multi-language functionality in order to send surveys in a customer's preferred language. If you already have our multi-language functionality enabled, you'll be able to edit those multi-language survey translations in the Survey Builder.

Using the language drop-down next to the left of the Publish button, you can manage your languages (add/remove) or preview your survey in any of the languages configured in your Agent Connect account. Step through editing your survey's multi-language translations for each of the languages enabled, and when you're finished, send a preview & publish to save your changes! ​​

Note: With multi-language surveys, it is increasingly important to send yourself (or someone from your team) a test survey email before publishing -- it's easy to miss a field and cause surveys for a particular language to stop working.

For help with multi-language functionality, please contact your account's Client Success Manager.