Reviewers Reporting

The Reviewers Reporting page provides comprehensive stats on QA Reviewers' performance. The date range can be filtered to view stats on Reviewers and additional useful information, including:

  • Total Reviews: the total number of reviews that were completed, compared to the previous same time period;

  • QA Score: the cumulative average QA score Reviewers gave on QA reviews, compared to the previous same time period;

  • Audit Score: the cumulative average Audit score that Reviewers received, compared to the previous same time period;

  • Origin: where the QA review originated from;

  • Appeals: whether any QA reviews received appeals and how many of them were resolved;

  • Calibrations: how many calibrations were completed for the QA reviews done and what the cumulative average alignment score was;

  • Number of Team Members: how many Team Members were reviewed, compared to the previous same time period.

QA Reviewers report

Users who have access to this page can drill into each individual QA Reviewer and easily find more metrics associated with each QA Reviewer, including:

  • Reviews: areas where the QA Reviewer started their reviews from and the total cumulative number of reviews completed for the selected time period.

  • Average QA Score: the average QA score the Reviewer gave, with a standard deviation.

  • QA Reviews over Time: the number of QA reviews the Reviewer completed, across a given number of Team Members.

  • Audits: the number of Audits the Reviewer received for the given time period.

  • Calibrations: the number of Calibrations the Reviewer participated in for the selected time period, with the cumulative alignment score.

QA Audit reviewer summaries

Users with the approved permissions can also click See Audits to look at the Audits conducted for any given Reviewer.