Arithmetic Operators

Operator: numeric_expr + numeric_expr

This operator performs the addition operation and returns the sum of the two numeric expressions.

SELECT (12+5)

-->  17

Operator: numeric_expr – numeric_expr

This operator performs the subtraction operation and returns the difference of the two numeric expressions. This operator can also be used to turn a given value into a negative value.

SELECT (17 - 5)

-->  12

Operator: numeric_expr * numeric_expr

This operator performs the multiplication of two expressions and returns the product.

SELECT (2*6)

-->  12

Operator: numeric_expr / numeric_expr

This operator performs the division of the first expression by the second expression and returns the quotient.

SELECT (12 / 6)

-->  2

Operator: numeric_expr % numeric_expr

This is the modulo operator. It returns the value of the remainder of a division operation.

SELECT (13 % 6)

--> 1