
Kochava is a mobile measurement company that helps mobile app developers and advertisers analyze the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, by shedding light on what media advertising efforts are converting, and the effectiveness of their mobile ad spend.Kochava's platform allows developers to:

  • Track ad network agnostic conversion tracking.
  • Track app-specific feature tracking.
  • Provide push notifications (both programmatic and via rich-media push).

The Kochava platform provides out-of-the-box SDK, and is integrated with over 650 mobile ad networks, publishers, and exchanges.


Kochava's integration with Journey Analytics allows mobile developers and advertisers to gain deeper insights of users through Journey Analytics's advanced behavioral analytics. A simple wizard on the Kochava side enables a choice of what Kochava data to send to Journey Analytics for behavioral analytics.


The Kochava integration is illustrated in the following diagram:

How it works

When an ad is placed and then a user installs an app, an 'Install' event is sent back to Kochava to notify them of the event. On the Kochava side, an event is triggered to Journey Analytics, containing the properties listed in the JSON below as event properties:

    "user_id": "KD591de4ce53c12",
    "event_timestamp_epoch": 1495131342000,
    "event_name": "install",
    "media_source": "",
    "campaign_name": "",
    "customer_app_id": "koconversionsdemo174ea19bc63928c",
    "session_ip": "",
    "session_dua": "Go-http-client/2.0",
    "session_app_id": "testapp123",
    "build_version": "testbuild123"
