Report Options

The report options are available from inside the report, in the top right corner next to the report date range:

Options menu open

Report Settings

The report settings allow you to control specific configurations of the report:

Ignore dashboard date range

The report only runs on the date range defined inside the report, ignoring the dashboard date range.

Ignore dashboard filters

The report only filters the data by the filters defined inside the report, ignoring the dashboard filters.

Read Only

Saving changes in the report is blocked. Remember to Save after turning this toggle on for it to take effect. Turning off the Read only setting can only be done by an ADMIN or the owner of the report.


The report is only visible to the report owner in the reports list, but can still be used in dashboards.

Use Cached Results

Journey Analytics attempts to use results from a previous run of this query. If cached results are returned, the query summary row shows "cached" and query time will be minimized. Results from past runs will be used as long as the queried tables were not modified and the date range and filters of the query are the same.

Use sessions aggregation for query optimization

Journey Analytics attempts to optimize performance by automatically shifting your query to run on top of the sessions table if all the data you are querying is available there. Note: Journey Analytics stores your data in two separate tables: one is your event table, in which every row is an event, and the other is your sessions table, in which every row is a session. The event table holds all the event-level data and event-scope properties, as well as user and session scope properties. The sessions table holds session-specific properties (such as session duration and the session path) as well as session and user scope properties. Shifting between the sessions and events table might cause for slight differences due to the fact that when running over the sessions table, the date range is filtered according to the session start time (session_start_time_ts) whereas when running over the events table the date range is filtered according to the event (event_time_ts) timestamp.

Drill-through Reports

Drillthrough Reports enable you to drill through (zoom in) to a section of a report by clicking it, and opening another preconfigured report, filtered to that category's data.


Creates a copy of the original report. When clicked on from inside a dashboard, this adds the copy of the report to the dashboard as well.


Creates a publication (email report) with the report results and send it to a list of recipients. Project ADMINs can also choose the publication's frequency.

For more information see Publications.

Add to Dashboard

Allows you to add the report to a specific Sheet in a specific Dashboard you have permissions to edit.

Show CQL

Opens up the underlying CQL of the report. You can copy and paste it in a CQL report to modify it.