
The fusion reports allows you to join results from multiple reports into a single output. You can join reports running on different data sources, for example a report running on Journey Analytics and a report running on your linked MySQL server, and join both data sources to one table/chart. This allows you to create client side joins on multiple data sources, which is not possible in a single report.

Example showing Facebook Ads ROI

Defining a fusion report:

To define a fusion report you must set the following:

  • Join type: fusion supports the 4 common join types:
    • Inner join: show rows that match on all reports. Any missing rows will not be included
    • Left join: show all rows in the first report, and matching, or if not available – empty, rows in all following reports
    • Right join: show all rows in the last report, and matching, or if not available – empty, rows in all preceding reports
    • Full join: show all rows in all reports, matching, or if not available – empty
  • Report name: choose a report from your saved reports to join.
  • Join column: the column that will be used as the match criteria. The rows will be matched if the values of these columns are exactly identical between the reports.
  • Included columns: which columns will be shown in the report output. This list includes all the selected report's columns. The selected columns will be shown in the output in the order selected, left to right, top to bottom (between reports).


  • Funnel and other fusion reports are not available in fusion report
  • Once a report is selected it takes a few seconds to compute its content – a loading sign will be shown
  • You can join up to 5 reports in a single fusion report
  • You can also select only one report in the fusion – this would allow you to only show specific columns from that report. This can be useful for data security, or to show a more concise report.
  • You can apply any visualization to the output


This report to uses Fusion to join tables from different sources – it calculates the Profit and ROI from Facebook Ads using income data collected in Journey Analytics:

  • amount_usd is the income from a campaign (from Journey Analytics)
  • total_spent is the cost of a campaign (from Facebook Integration)
  • Profit and ROI are calculated columns (using pivot table)

Fusion example showing Facebook Ads ROI