
Jobs allows you to schedule a sequence of tasks that will run consecutively, one after the other, once the previous task has been completed. This enables you to create more advanced processes on your data, without manual intervention, such as running aggregations over other aggregations, and conditioning alerts to only run once an integration has been updated.

This feature is available to project admins.

Settings up a new job

  1. From the project menu, select Jobs.
  2. Click the + icon to open a new job page.
  3. Enter a name (can use any name).
  4. One by one, select the tasks you want to run in the job. You can select from:
    • Segments
    • Aggregation Tables
    • Integrations
    • Alerts
    • Publications
  5. Once you've selected the type of task, choose one from the list of existing tasks in your project.
  6. You can re-arrange the order of the tasks by dragging the task icon up or down.
  7. Next, set the job schedule. Note that by adding a task to a job, you reset the tasks schedule to Manual. This means the task will only run on the job's schedule. You can change the individual task's schedule later from the task page.
  8. Lastly, if you'd like to be notified by email on any failed runs of this job, enter the emails to include in the list below. You can always check for run status in the job's history, from the jobs list.
  9. Click Save to save the job, or Save and run now to also execute it. Once saved, click Run now to manually execute the job.

New Job editor

Managing saved jobs

The jobs list shows you all existing jobs.

From here you can:

  • Edit jobs: click any row to open and edit the job.
  • Delete, run now, and see the job history: from the row options (ellipses icon at the right end).

The job history shows all runs of the job. Click a row to see details of the tasks in the run. Successful runs will show all tasks it included. Failed runs stop at the first failed tasks, and will therefore show all tasks up to the one that failed.

Job history listing