Feedback filter

Click the Filter Feedback List icon in the top right corner of your inbox to drill down into feedback items to isolate specific sets of data and analyze them in depth.

Feedback Filter List icon.

In the Filter Options dialog, enter criteria and click Apply. Feedback matching all configured filters is displayed in your inbox.

Note: Feedback is also filtered according to the separate date range filter in the Inbox .

Feedback Filter options.

Survey containing the feedback to be analyzed.
Country associated with the feedback.
Device Types
Device types used to provide feedback.
Select from preconfigured tags assigned to feedback items. See Tagging for information about creating and configuring tags.
Custom Rule
Rule associated with feedback items. See Rule Engine for details about configuring rules.
URL Contains
All or some of the URL associated with feedback.
Define the keywords by which to filter feedback. Enter words or phrases and press Enter. Tags have an OR relationship (feedback containing any of the tags matches the filter).
Feedback item ID / UUID
ID or UUID of the feedback item.