Medallia Digital Web 2.48 release notes

Released starting 6th November 2022

System requirements

Digital for Web requirements

  • Digital Command Center browsers: Latest two versions of Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox. Survey management is not supported in Internet Explorer.

Survey-taking requirements

  • Desktop browsers
    • Latest two versions of Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox.

    • Other browsers or older versions will likely work; however, Medallia cannot certify a full experience in browsers older than two years. Any issues will be handled on a best-effort basis.

  • Mobile browsers

    • Google Chrome: latest version

    • Android: latest version

    • Safari for iOS: latest version

  • Network connectivity requirements: Digital surveys require unobstructed network connectivity over an HTTPS connection. If your organization employs a content security policy or any other network filtering method, you may need to allow-list Medallia domains. For more information, refer to allow-list documentation or contact your Digital expert.
  • ADA / WCAG compliance: Digital Web survey form 2.0 is certified WCAG 2.1 Level AA. For the best survey experience, Medallia recommends the following screen reader and browser combinations:
    • Microsoft Windows: Mozilla Firefox + NVDA and Google Chrome + JAWS

    • Apple MacOS: Safari + Voice Over

    • Android: Google Chrome + TalkBack

    • iOS: Safari + Voice Over

    • Safari MacOS users: To enable tabbing in Safari, it is required that the Press tab to highlight each item on a webpage box, located under Safari Preferences - Advanced, is selected.


  • Important: This feature is available upon request. Ask your Medallia expert to file a Feature activation request with Medallia Support.

    Customers can now migrate to the new Medallia Digital survey form 2.0 using self-service. Survey form 2.0 is a complete technical and visual overhaul of the Digital Feedback experience.

    Using the latest technologies and frameworks, the new survey form has been written from the ground up, resulting in a much smaller network footprint, optimized for speed and performance. Additionally the new survey form is WCAG 2.1 AA compliant. See Survey form 2.0.

Resolved issues

  • Android tablets running Firefox are now properly identified in feedback reporting.

  • Legacy links to survey previews are now functioning correctly.

  • In multi-page forms, the NPS component was not automatically filled when navigating back between pages.

  • For "Popup" type forms, the "Form Displayed" custom event is now fired only once.

  • On multi-page surveys, the required fields validation is now only performed when pressing next page or submit.

  • It is now possible to change a custom parameter's name.

  • The error message "Tried to load AngularJS more than once" no longer appears in the developer tools console.