Medallia Digital Web 2.48 release notes
Released starting 6th November 2022
System requirements
Digital for Web requirements
Digital Command Center browsers: Latest two versions of Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox. Survey management is not supported in Internet Explorer.
Survey-taking requirements
Desktop browsers
Latest two versions of Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox.
Other browsers or older versions will likely work; however, Medallia cannot certify a full experience in browsers older than two years. Any issues will be handled on a best-effort basis.
Mobile browsers
Google Chrome: latest version
Android: latest version
Safari for iOS: latest version
- Network connectivity requirements: Digital surveys require unobstructed network connectivity over an HTTPS connection. If your organization employs a content security policy or any other network filtering method, you may need to allow-list Medallia domains. For more information, refer to allow-list documentation or contact your Digital expert.
ADA / WCAG compliance: Digital Web survey form 2.0 is certified WCAG 2.1 Level AA. For the best survey experience, Medallia recommends the following screen reader and browser combinations:
Microsoft Windows: Mozilla Firefox + NVDA and Google Chrome + JAWS
Apple MacOS: Safari + Voice Over
Android: Google Chrome + TalkBack
iOS: Safari + Voice Over
Safari MacOS users: To enable tabbing in Safari, it is required that the Press tab to highlight each item on a webpage box, located under Safari Preferences - Advanced, is selected.
Important: This feature is available upon request. Ask your Medallia expert to file a Feature activation request with Medallia Support.
Customers can now migrate to the new Medallia Digital survey form 2.0 using self-service. Survey form 2.0 is a complete technical and visual overhaul of the Digital Feedback experience.
Using the latest technologies and frameworks, the new survey form has been written from the ground up, resulting in a much smaller network footprint, optimized for speed and performance. Additionally the new survey form is WCAG 2.1 AA compliant. See Survey form 2.0.
Resolved issues
Android tablets running Firefox are now properly identified in feedback reporting.
Legacy links to survey previews are now functioning correctly.
In multi-page forms, the NPS component was not automatically filled when navigating back between pages.
For "Popup" type forms, the "Form Displayed" custom event is now fired only once.
On multi-page surveys, the required fields validation is now only performed when pressing next page or submit.
It is now possible to change a custom parameter's name.
The error message "Tried to load AngularJS more than once" no longer appears in the developer tools console.