Capability table

A Capability is a privilege assigned to the user which allows the user to do something or see something. Examples:

  • ALERT_CLOSE allows the user to close alerts
  • ALERT_ADD_NOTE allows the user to add a note to a survey

A Capability is identified by its id and has a description.

Table description

 key          | name                   | encoding |
 capabilityid | Capability id          | TEXT     |
 description  | Capability description | TEXT     |

Sample query

SELECT capabilityid, description FROM capability


 capabilityid                           | description                                                |
 REPORTING                              | View Reporting Modules                                     |
 REPORTING_SATTRACKER                   | View Satisfaction                                          |
 REPORTING_SATTRACKER_TABLE             | View Satisfaction Table                                    |
 REPORTING_SATTRACKER_GRAPH             | View Satisfaction Graph                                    |
 REPORTING_SATTRACKER_DISTRIBUTION      | View Satisfaction Distribution                             |
 REPORTING_SATTRACKER_COMPARE           | View Satisfaction Compare                                  |
 REPORTING_SATTRACKER_SNAPSHOT          | View Satisfaction Snapshot                                 |
 REPORTING_RESPONSE_INVESTIGATOR        | View ResponseInvestigator                                  |
 REPORTING_RESPONSE_INVESTIGATOR_FILTER | View Only RI Filter                                        |
 REPORTING_PROBLEM_TRACKER              | View Problems                                              |
 REPORTING_PROBLEM_TRACKER_TABLE        | View Problems Table                                        |
 REPORTING_PROBLEM_TRACKER_COMPARE      | View Problems Compare                                      |
 REPORTING_PROBLEM_TRACKER_SNAPSHOT     | View Problems Snapshot                                     |
 REPORTING_GUEST_PROFILER               | View Profiler                                              |
 REPORTING_GUEST_PROFILER_TABLE         | View Profiler Table                                        |
 REPORTING_GUEST_PROFILER_GRAPH         | View Profiler Graph                                        |
 REPORTING_RANKER                       | View Ranker                                                |
 REPORTING_RANKER_PROPERTY              | View Only Ranker Property                                  |
 REPORTING_LOYALTY_TRACKER              | View LoyaltyTracker                                        |
 REPORTING_SATTRACKER_MULTICOMPARE      | View Satisfaction MultiCompare                             |
 REPORTING_ADDON_GUEST_VOICE            | View Guest Voices                                          |
 HOMEPAGE                               | View Homepage                                              |
 HOMEPAGE_BARGRAPH                      | Use Homepage BarGraph module                               |
 HOMEPAGE_PROPERTY_PERFORMANCE          | Use Homepage Property Performance module                   |
 HOMEPAGE_QUICKLINKS                    | Use Homepage QuickLinks module                             |
 HOMEPAGE_ALERTGRAPH                    | Use Homepage AlertGraph module                             |
 SEE_COMPLETED_SURVEYS                  | See completed surveys (only invited responses) (deprecated) |
 VIEW_TUTORIAL                          | View Tutorial link                                         |
 ALERT                                  | Alert rights                                               |
 ALERT_VIEW                             | View Alerts                                                |
 ALERT_RESOLVE                          | Resolve Alerts                                             |
 ALERT_CLOSE                            | Close Alerts                                               |
 ALERT_SEND_RAPID_RESPONSE              | Send Rapid Response Email                                  |
 ALERT_VIEW_LOG                         | View Log                                                   |
 ALERT_ADD_NOTE                         | Add a Note to Log                                          |
 ALERT_ASSIGN                           | Assign Alert                                               |
 RI_DATA_EXPORTS                        | RI Data Exports                                            |
 RANKER_DATA_EXPORT                     | Ranker All Question export                                 |