Available fields

This topic describes some of the fields available, and it describes how to access different types of fields.

Generic fields

These are some fields available in the survey table for all companies.

Survey information

Metadata about the survey

surveyidINTEGERSurvey ID for internal use (e.g., RI link)
Important: Beginning with the Winter 2020 release, the length of Survey IDs is increased to 64 bits (values can be greater than 2 billion). Make sure that your application can handle these values for Survey ID fields. Consider storing these values as text or as a big integer (signed 2's-compliment 64-bit integer).
customeridINTEGERCustomer ID for this survey
responsedateDATEResponse Date
survey_languageENUMERATEDSurvey language
survey_methodENUMERATEDSurvey method
survey_programTEXTSurvey program

Respondent personal information

Name and contact information

lastnameTEXTLast name
firstnameTEXTFirst name
address2TEXTAddress 2
postalcodeTEXTZip/postal code


has_commentINTEGERSurvey has comment (1 or 0)
commentsTEXTAll survey comments concatenated

Business unit information

Information about the customer's touchpoint (e.g. a store or a hotel or a call center agent depending on type of business)

unitidTEXTUnit id
unit_cityTEXTUnit city
unit_postal_codeTEXTUnit zip/postal code
unit_street_addressTEXTUnit state/province

Alert information

Alert and case management information

has_alertINTEGERSurvey has alert (1 or 0)
alert_statusTEXTAlert status of survey (if any)
alert_typeTEXTAlert type of survey (if any)
survey_assigneeENUMERATEDAlert assignee
rapid_response_statusENUMERATEDRapid Response status for this survey (e.g., sent or not)
log_notesTEXTAll log notes combined (if any)

Client-specific fields

Most of the fields will be specific to the particular dataset of the company. Thus, to find out what client-specific fields are available, you have to run the Metadata query.

Derived fields

For some of the fields, it is possible to modify their behavior by adding a dot and a modifier to the key of the field, such as



All companies have the unitid field, representing the business unit / "lowest node" of the reporting hierarchy (e.g., a hotel or a store or a call center agent). The unitid field gives you the identifier of the unit, but you can also use unitid.name to retrieve the name.

Date fields

For date fields, like responsedate or other fields with DATE encoding, it is possible to group the days at several granularities using either of the following modifiers:

  • year
  • year_and_month
  • month (reports by month, 1-12, so January of 2008 and January of 2009 are the same)
  • time_of_year (reports by month and day, so January 1st of 2008 is the same as January 1st of 2009)
  • day_of_month (reports by day of month, 1-31)
  • week (reports by week of the year, 1-52)
  • weekday (reports by day of week, 1-7)
  • full (reports every day, equivalent to not adding a modifier)

Query example

SELECT responsedate.year_and_month, AVG(br_overall_experience) FROM SURVEY

URL example



responsedate.year_and_month | AVG(br_overall_experience) |
 2005-01                     | 6.419064748201439          |
 2005-02                     | 6.912269129287599          |
 2005-03                     | 7.189665653495441          |
 2005-04                     | 7.296676737160121          |
 2005-05                     | 7.445538461538462          |
 2005-06                     | 7.788036410923277          |
 2005-07                     | 7.782370820668693          |
 2005-08                     | 7.585247883917775          |
 2005-09                     | 7.578009828009828          |
 2005-10                     | 7.403147699757869          |
 2005-11                     | 7.00507614213198           |
 2005-12                     | 7.0509898020395925         |
 2006-01                     | 6.397350993377484          |
 2006-02                     | 7.046481601032925          |
 2006-03                     | 7.155413271245634          |
 2006-04                     | 7.353976531942633          |
 2006-05                     | 7.465761511216057          |
 2006-06                     | 7.7065830721003135         |
 2006-07                     | 7.7328519855595665         |
 2006-08                     | 7.664677804295943          |
 2006-09                     | 7.613956466069142          |
 2006-10                     | 7.384150030248034          |
 2006-11                     | 7.076219512195122          |
 2006-12                     | 6.98234552332913           |