Updating alerts

The alert status can be changed through the API. This should happen as a result of user action. For example, the user may have contacted the survey taker and resolved the issue, and thus wants to close the alert.

Tip: It is recommended to also add a new note informing about the status change, so that the alert's history can be tracked. See Note table.

The alert status can be set to either closed, in_progress, or resolved. These are the only three statuses that can be set through the API. The examples below show the syntax for each (for surveyid=42).

Close Alert

UPDATE survey SET alert_status = 'closed' WHERE surveyid = 42

Re-open Alert

UPDATE survey SET alert_status = 'in_progress' WHERE surveyid = 42

Resolve Alert

UPDATE survey SET alert_status = 'resolved' WHERE surveyid = 42