Sending Properties to MXO

Besides sending programmatic Interactions with Properties to Medallia Experience Orchestration, you can also send defined programmatic Properties to a base Touchpoint or a preconfigured Interaction path.

Tip: When sending Properties to a programmatic Interactions, ensure the Interaction is a fully qualified URI, containing the scheme, authority, and path. For example, ios://touchpoint/interaction.

Defining Properties

Define Properties you want to send to Medallia Experience Orchestration as a dictionary of String/String key-value pairs as shown bellow.

let properties = ["key1":"value1","key2":"value2"]
NSDictionary *properties = @{@"Key1":@"Value1", @"Key2":@"Value2"};

After the Properties are defined, they can be sent to Medallia Experience Orchestration by calling the SDK's public methods from the below sections.

Sending Properties to a base Touchpoint

To send Properties to a base Touchpoint, call the following public method passing a dictionary of defined Properties to it:

if let interaction = try? MXOInteraction(withString: "/") {
	do {
		try MedalliaMXO.sendProperties(request: MXOInteractionRequest { builder in
			builder.interaction = interaction
            = properties
	} catch {
        	print("Error sending properties to base touchpoint: \(error.localizedDescription)")
NSError *error;
__block MXOInteraction *interaction = [MXOInteraction initWithString:@"/" error:&error];
[MedalliaMXO sendProperties:[MXOInteractionRequest initWithBuilder:^(MXOInteractionRequestBuilder * _Nonnull builder) {
	builder.interaction = interaction; = properties;
}] error:&error];

This sends a PUT request to Medallia Experience Orchestration.

Important: Properties sent to a base Touchpoint is captured under a base (/) or wildcard (/*) Interaction in Medallia Experience Orchestration. The Attribute Capture Point API name in Orchestration must match the key name sent above.

Sending Properties to an Interaction

To send Properties to a specific Interaction, call the following public method, passing a dictionary of defined Properties and providing the Interaction path:

if let interaction = try? MXOInteraction(withString: "/InteractionPath") {
	do {
		try MedalliaMXO.sendProperties(request: MXOInteractionRequest { builder in
			builder.interaction = interaction
            = properties
	} catch {
                print("Error sending properties to an interaction: \(error.localizedDescription)")
NSError *error;
__block MXOInteraction *interaction = [MXOInteraction initWithString:@"/InteractionPath" error:&error];
[MedalliaMXO sendProperties:[MXOInteractionRequest initWithBuilder:^(MXOInteractionRequestBuilder * _Nonnull builder) {
        builder.interaction = interaction; = properties;
}] error:&error];

This sends a PUT request to Medallia Experience Orchestration.