Automatic APIs


The configuration class used to assign a custom Interaction path to a View Controller.

@interface MXOAutomaticInteractionAssignment : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, weak, nullable, readonly) UIViewController *viewController;
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable, readonly) MXOInteraction *interaction;
interactionMXOInteractionThe MXO Interaction to assign to a View Controller.
viewControllerUIViewControllerThe View Controller to assign an MXO Interaction path to.

Create an instance using the Builder as shown below:

MXOAutomaticInteractionAssignment *assignment = [MXOAutomaticInteractionAssignment initWithBuilder:^(MXOAutomaticInteractionAssignmentBuilder * _Nonnull builder) {
        builder.interaction = [MXOInteraction initWithString:@"/" error:&error];
	builder.viewController = self;
Note: For more information, see how to assign an Interaction.


The class to configure an exclusion of an automatic Interaction.

@interface MXOAutomaticInteractionExclusion : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, weak, nullable, readonly) UIViewController *viewController;
viewControllerUIViewControllerThe View Controller to exclude from Interaction tracking.

Create an instance using the Builder as shown below:

MXOAutomaticInteractionExclusion *excludeInteraction = [MXOAutomaticInteractionExclusion initWithBuilder:^(MXOAutomaticInteractionExclusionBuilder * _Nonnull builder) {
        builder.viewController = weakSelf;
[MedalliaMXO excludeAutomaticInteraction:excludeInteraction error:nil];
Note: For more information, see how to exclude an Interaction.


The subscriber for receiving automatic Interaction responses.

@interface MXOAutomaticInteractionSubscriber : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) MXOInteraction *interaction;
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly, nullable) MXOAutomaticInteractionOnResponseBlock onResponse;
interactionMXOInteractionThe MXO Interaction to subscribe.
onResponseMXOAutomaticInteractionOnResponseBlockProvide an MXO Interaction Response handler.

Create an instance using the Builder as shown below:

MXOAutomaticInteractionSubscriber *subscriber = [MXOAutomaticInteractionSubscriber initWithBuilder:^(MXOAutomaticInteractionSubscriberBuilder * _Nonnull builder) {
        builder.interaction = [MXOInteraction initWithString:@"/" error:&error];
        builder.onResponse = ^(MXOInteractionResponse *response) {
            //process response
Note: For more information, see how to subscribe to an Interaction.


The subscription for an automatic Interaction.

@protocol MXOAutomaticInteractionSubscription <NSObject>
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) MXOInteraction *interaction;
interactionMXOInteractionThe MXO Interaction to subscribe.
Note: For more information, see how to subscribe to an Interaction.

To unsubscribe from the automatic Interaction tracking use the following:

- (void)unsubscribe;
Note: For more information, see how to unsubscribe from an Interaction.


The configuration object for MXO SDK Interaction tracking.

@interface MXOAutomaticInteractionTrackingConfiguration : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) BOOL disableInteractionTracking;
@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) BOOL disableOutboundLinkTracking;
disableInteractionTrackingBOOLSet to true to disable Interaction tracking.
disableOutboundLinkTrackingBOOLSet to true to disable updating outbound links.

Create an instance using the Builder as shown below:

MXOConfiguration *interactionTrackingConfiguration = [MXOAutomaticInteractionTrackingConfiguration initWithBuilder:^(MXOAutomaticInteractionTrackingConfigurationBuilder * _Nonnull builder) {
	builder.disableInteractionTracking = NO;
	builder.disableOutboundLinkTracking = NO;
Note: For more information, see how to disable/enable automatic Interaction tracking or outbound link tracking.