Step 2 - Set up your Team

A Team is the group of users who have been granted access to a Space.

Team members can only perform the actions the admin assigns them the permissions to perform. Team members who have been added to a Space's Team, but who have not been assigned any role, will have read-only access.

Adding team members to a Space is optional. A Space can have as many, or as few, team members as the administrator, or administrators, decide.

A Space's creator is that Space's first admin and automatically receives Admin, Publisher, and Creator roles when the Space is created.

Note: You must be assigned the Publisher role to make a snapshot live (the Admin role does not allow you to change the live snapshot).

To add a team member to a Space

  1. In MXO choose Configure.
  2. Select Team.
  3. Click Add.
  4. In the Add Person dialog box, check the box next to the name of the person you want to add to your Team and click Add.
  5. Check the boxes next to a team member's name to assign that team member a role, or roles, and the associated permissions for the Space (and the site).