Step 4 - Create the Required Assets

In MXO, create the assets you want to display to customers as part of a personalized conversation.

For the purposes of this exercise, you will create 4 new assets, as follows:

Product 1B - top bannerJSON
 { "image": "" } 
Product 1C - top bannerJSON
{ "image": "" } 
Product 2B - card itemJSON
{ "image": "" } 
Product 2C - card itemJSON
{ "image": "" } 

For more information, see What are Assets?

To define your Assets

  1. In MXO, choose Orchestrate.
  2. Select Assets.
  3. On the Assets page, click Create.
  4. Create your new Assets, specifying the relevant asset type and markup, as described in the table above.
  5. Click Save.

Once created, your new Assets will appear in the main MXO UI, as follows:

Mobile - Android Step 3 Assets

Advanced Configuration - Define Asset Responses

As well as defining which assets to show to customers as part of an orchestration, you can also configure what MXO should do after a customer responds to that orchestration, by defining asset responses.

MXO captures positive responses, by default. If a customer clicks or taps on an orchestration, MXO records that action as a positive response. You can also define both negative and neutral responses if required, enabling you to capture if a customer is not an interested in a particular orchestration, at all, or just not at the current time.

Note: You are not required to configure responses as part of this step-by-step exercise.

For more information about responses, see What are Customer Responses? and Understanding Asset Responses