Step 10 - Preview Your Orchestration in Action

On your mobile device or emulator, preview your orchestration to test that is working, as expected.

To preview your orchestration

  1. Open the app with the SDK running in User mode (adminMode: false).
    Mobile - Hybrid Step 10a
    Notice the default product list displays Products 1A, 2A, and 3A.
    Mobile - Hybrid 1
  2. Navigate to Tab 2 of the app and tap on Product 1B to increase the interest count for that product.Mobile - Hybrid Step 10b
  3. Return to Tab 1 of the app to view the personalized content for your chosen product.BEFORE:
    Mobile - Hybrid Preview orchestration before
    AFTER:Mobile - Hybrid Preview orchestration after

How does MXO decide what to show to a customer?

MXO uses a process called Arbitration to decide which optimization to show to a customer.

Arbitration allows MXO to prioritize applicable Actions and pick the right one to display to customers based on a number of factors, including:

  • Customer interest
  • Marketing priority
  • Combination of the above