Step 9 - Publish Your Changes

At this stage, we've completed the initial setup for the Android Touchpoint. You can now go back to Steps 6 through 8 to complete the initial set up the iOS Touchpoint, before publishing all your changes.

All the changes we've made so far are currently in the works and unpublished. In MXO , publish your changes to push them to your live environment to see the optimizations in action in the example app.

You must have the Publish role in MXO to be able to be able to publish changes to your live environment. For more information, see Team Roles.

To publish your changes

  1. In MXO , choose Test & Publish.
  2. Click Recent Changes.
  3. Select the changes you want to publish and click Push to Launchpad.Mobile - Hybrid Step 9a
  4. In the Push your changes to the Launchpad dialog box, enter a name for the snapshot you want to create.
  5. Click Push to Launchpad.Mobile - Hybrid Step 9b
  6. Click OK. A snapshot is created and added to the Launchpad page.
  7. Click Publish to push your changes to your live environment.Mobile - Hybrid Step 9c