Applying Simple Use-Case Queries

To illustrate the application of simple queries to reveal customer behavior, the following examples show customer behavior for a retailer with physical and web presence. You would apply these queries to a time slice of data - say 30 or 90 days.

Use Case 1: Online Purchasing Behavior

You want to ask the question: How many customers are adding an item to their cart and not purchasing?

To explore this question, we need two simple Engagement Queries:

FROM Activity = "Add to Cart"

This query provides the number of customers who added products to their cart and the average journey time.


FROM Activity = "Add to Cart" TO Activity = "Complete Purchase"

This query provides the number of customers who added products to their cart and went on to complete the purchase and the average journey time.


  • An X percentage of customers did not complete their purchase.
  • Those that did purchase moved through their journey X percent faster, indicating increased confidence.

Use Case 2: Purchase Pickup Preferences

You want to ask the question: Of customers who purchase online, how many are picking up in the store?

To explore this question, we need two simple Engagement Queries:

TO Activity = "Complete Purchase" FOR Captured Value = "ShipToHome" Contains "FALSE"


TO Activity = "Complete Purchase" FOR Captured Value = "ShipToHome" Contains "TRUE"

These queries determine the status of shipping for the purchase completion activity.


  • An X percentage opted to pick up in the store.
  • A Y percentage opted to have the order shipped to home.
  • The percentage by which more opted to do one over the other.
  • Which delivery method required the most time.