View and Analyze High Value Moments

High Value Moments (HVM) are those A-ha moments that lead to increased customer engagement and loyalty, stemming from a customer being able to interact with your brand in a way that inspires delight and meets their original goal.

HVM are those moments on the journey that are most successful at helping customers reach that goal. They are a key metric in the analysis of customer behavior and can reveal, for example, if the successful journey is at an excessive cost to your brand.

When viewing the Journey Visualization for a query, HVM are shown as a percentage on each, individual, node (interaction). This enables you to see both interactions that are particularly helpful in ensuring customers reach their goal and also interactions that are problematic and require further investigation.

The higher the percentage for a node the better that interaction is at helping customers reach their specified target (TO) node. It is those interactions that represent the A-ha moments, the moments at which customers are most likely to continue their journey to a successful conclusion.

How does MXO calculate High Value Moments

To enable MXO to calculate HVM your query must include both a FROM a TO filter. Using that data, MXO identifies two distinct sets of results:

  • Success Result Set containing customers/journeys that satisfy both the FROM and the TO requirements.
  • Potential Result Set containing customers/journeys that satisfy at least the FROM requirement. They may or may not also satisfy the TO requirement (arrive at the TO node).

To determine the HVM for each node, MXO then:

  1. Determines the total number of customers/journeys, in the success result set.
  2. Compares that to the total number of customers/journeys in the potential result set.
  3. Calculates the HVM ratio.


In this example, 1000 customers started their journey on Node A and 200 made it successfully to the target, Node X.

High Value Moments calculation

NodeTotal customers (Potential Result Set)Reached target (Success Result set)HVM Ratio

Overall, in our example, Node E is the most successful HVM in the journey, helping 33% of customers reach their target goal.

View High Value Moments

  1. Navigate to the query for which you want to view HVM.
  2. Click Analyze.
  3. HVM are represented by a green circle on the journey view.

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Filter High Value Moments

Use the Global High Value Moments slider in Settings to change the ratio at which HVM are displayed in the Journey Visualization.