View and Analyze Most Common Paths

You can view the Most Dominant Path customers take through a journey using Settings. Viewing the MDP shows you the most common start and end point for customer journeys within your query results.

Most Dominant Path is defined as a journey, with a common start node and end node, undertaken by the largest number of customers within the query result set. Characteristics (channel, touchpoint, proposition, and activity type) for the start node and end node, respectively, must be identical. Nodes in between the start and end nodes may differ, but customers start and end their journey in exactly same places.

MXO allows you to view the three Most Dominant Paths included in your query results.

For each Most Dominant Path, you can also view a set of three Most Common Routes.

Most Common Route is defined as the journey, undertaken by the largest number of customers in your query result set, that follows a single, identical, route from start node to end node. All nodes in between the start and end nodes are identical (and have the same characteristics for channel, touchpoint, proposition and activity type), meaning that all customers on that particular journey undertook an identical route from start to end.

As well as viewing both MDP and MCR, you can also view the Most Common Approximate Path.

Most Common Approximate Path is defined as the journey, with the highest proportion of commonality, undertaken by the largest number of customers in your query result set. It may not be identical to the Most Common Path or Most Common Route, but it is a common journey, with common behaviors, taken by a large enough number of customers to represent a common path worth highlighting in the Journey View.

MXO allows you to view the three Most Common Approximate Paths included in your query results.

Viewing Most Dominant Paths

  1. Navigate to Settings > Path Analysis.
  2. Select Most Dominant Path.

MXO presents you with a list of the three Most Dominant Paths included in the query results. Simply select which MCP you want to view on-screen.


Viewing Most Common Routes

As well as viewing the MCP you can also drill-down further into the data to view the MCR. Simply select the MCR you want to view on-screen, from the list provided.


Viewing Most Common Approximate Paths

  1. Navigate to Settings > Path Analysis.
  2. Select Most Common Approximate Path.

MXO presents you with a list of the three Most Common Approximate Paths included in the query results. Simply select which MCAP you want to view on-screen.