Combining WHERE and FOR CUSTOMERS WITH Filters

To apply WHERE filter logic at both the customer and journey-level in a single query, you can combine a customer-level FOR CUSTOMERS WITH filter with a journey-level WHERE filter.

WHERE (combined with FROM and TO) filters apply at a journey-level. FOR CUSTOMERS WITH filters apply to the full customer path.

TB - where and for comparison

Order of Processing

When combining filters in the same query, MXO processes the customer-level FOR CUSTOMERS WITH filter BEFORE any Journey-level filters are applied.


TB - where and for query

The above query is processed in the following order:

  1. Look for customers that skipped more than two stages.
  2. Apply the journey cutting and splitting logic to those customers.
  3. Check each customer journey to see if it has more than 3 interactions.
  4. If yes, that journey is included in the results for the query.