Introduction to WHERE Filters

WHERE filters specify certain behaviors that a customer must exhibit on their journey for that journey to be included in the results of the specified query.

WHERE filters can apply at both a customer and journey-level. At a customer-level, filters apply to the full customer path. At a journey-level, to each journey returned by the cutting and splitting process.

WHERE filters apply at the journey-level only if you include FROM and/or TO filters in your query.

Using WHERE as a Customer-Level filter

Journey is included in the query results if it exhibits the attributes defined in the WHERE filter.


Action = Z delivered

Apply the WHERE filter to the full customer path to determine if there is an interaction associated with the specified parameter. In our example, this is an interaction associated with Action = Z.

If yes, include the journey in the query results.

No cutting and splitting take place.

TB - where customer example

Using WHERE as a Journey-Level filter

Multiple journeys, that fit the query parameters, may be included in the query results.


Channel = WebChannel = AssistedAction = Z delivered

Splitting process

  1. Perform cutting and splitting of full customer path into individual journeys based on FROM and TO filters.
  2. For each identified journey, apply the WHERE filter. In our example, determine if there is an interaction associated with Action = Z.
  3. Only keep the journeys that exhibit the attributes defined in the WHERE filter.

TB - where journey example

Quick Links

WhereActions (were delivered)Find journeys where a specific action was delivered.
Any Actions (were delivered)Find journeys where any action was delivered.
Duration of pathFind journeys lasting for specific period of time.
Where > Count ofDormant PeriodsFind journeys where customers had a specific number of dormant periods.
Interactions (at)Find journeys that include a specific number of interactions
Stage (Advances, Retreats, Skips)Find journeys where customers advanced, retreated, or skipped a specific number of stages.
Transitions (Channel, Touchpoint, Propositions)Find journeys where customers moved between channels, touchpoints, or propositions a specific number of times.
Transitions (Onto self)Find journeys where customers moved through the same node a specific number of times.