Using #TO as a parameter for your FROM filter, let's you use a value associated with your TO filter as a value for your TO filter.

In essence this means MXO splits the full customer path into separate journeys that start and finish with interaction contexts having the same value specified by the #TO parameter.


TB - from to advanced to query

Splitting Process

Badge 1Tag each interaction on the Mobile channel as a target node.
Badge 2Tag each interaction on the Web channel, with the same Activity type as the target node, as a source node.
Badge 3Start from the beginning of the full customer path and find the narrowest pairs of source and target nodes. Within these parameters, mark the source node as the start of the journey and the target node as the end.

Usage Notes

  • This can result in overlapping journeys.
  • Narrowest pair means the innermost pair of source and target nodes. This ensures that each journey contains one source and one target node that are located closest to each other.

TB - from to advanced to example


In this example, you end up with five customer journeys based on the specified filter criteria.

Suggested Scenarios

Use Case 1

Initial Question

I want to identify the last time a customer showed an interest in a product on my web site or mobile app and subsequently purchased that product in a retail store.


FilterQuery Parameters
FROMChannel = Web or Mobile Proposition = #TO
TOChannel = Physical Activity Type = Purchase
discover journeys from interaction(channel=("Web" or "Mobile") proposition=#TO) to interaction(channel="Physical" activity="Purchase")


  • Finds each instance of a purchase event for a product in a retail store and determines the last activity occurring on either the web site or mobile app relating to that product.

Use Case 2

Initial Question

I want to determine which activities customer perform on my mobile app that they have already performed on my website.



  • Channel = Web Activity Type = #TO


  • Channel = Mobile
FilterQuery Parameters
FROMChannel = Web Proposition = #TO
TOChannel = Mobile
discover journeys from interaction(channel="Web" activity=#TO) to interaction(channel="Mobile")


  • Finds each instance of an activity on your mobile app, and works back to see when that same activity occurred on the website.
  • Shows you other topics of interest to the customer during that journey.
  • Journeys may be fairly short if there is a quick transition to the same activity across both channels.