A THROUGH filter specifies the nodes that a customer journey must pass through to be included in the results of your query.


TB - through query

Splitting Process

Badge 1Find an interaction context associated with Proposition 5.
Badge 2If present, add full path of customer journey to query results.

Usage Notes

  • Maximum of one journey returned, per customer. No journey cutting and splitting.
  • If customer journey does not include the specified interaction context, MXO discards that journey and moves on to the next customer.


TB - through example

In this example, the customer journey IS included in the query results based on the specified filter criteria.

Suggested Scenarios

Use Case 1

Initial Question

I want to identify customers who have at least one interaction with my brand on the Mobile channel across their full journey.



  • Channel = Mobile
FilterQuery Parameters
THROUGHChannel = Mobile
discover journeys through(interaction(channel="Mobile"))


  • Finds any customer with at least one interaction on the Mobile channel and includes that customer in the query results.
  • The journey context is the full customer path.

Use Case 2

Initial Question

I want to identify customers who have never required assistance.


Wildcard Interaction PointsMatches...Does Not Match...Matches When...
THROUGH (NOT)Channel = Assisted
discover journeys through(not(interaction(channel="Assisted")))


  • Finds any customer with no interactions on the Assisted channel and includes that customer in the query results.
  • The journey context is the full customer path.

Use Case 3

Initial Question

I want to identify customers who have seen personalized content, but not purchased the product associated with that content.


FilterQuery Parameters
THROUGHAction = iPhone Offer
THROUGH (NOT)Activity Type = Purchase Proposition = iPhone
discover journeys through(action(id="iPhone Offer") and not 
(interaction(activity="Purchase" proposition="iPhone")))


  • Finds any customer who saw personalized content for the iPhone, but did not go on to purchase that product.
  • The journey context is the full customer path.