Using THROUGH with FROM and TO filters, splits the full customer path into multiple journeys passing through the nodes you specify in your query.


TB - from through to query

Splitting Process

Badge 1Split the full customer path into multiple journeys starting on the Web channel and finishing on the Assisted.
Badge 2Determine which journeys pass through a node associated with Proposition 2.
Badge 3Include only the journeys containing that THROUGH node in the results.

TB - from through to example


In this example, MXO finds three journeys starting on the Web channel and finishing on the Assisted channel. Only one of those journeys, however, passes through a node relating to Proposition 2 and is included in the query results.

Suggested Scenarios

Use Case 1

Initial Question

I want to identify customers who required assistance on their way to purchasing a product.


FilterQuery Parameters
FROMAction = iPhone Offer
THROUGHChannel = Assisted
TOActivity Type = Purchase
discover journeys from action(id="ABC") through(interaction(channel="Assisted")) to interaction(activity="purchase")


  • Splits the full customer path into journeys that start with customers being delivered Action ABC and end in customer purchasing the product associated with that Action.
  • Only those journeys where customers required assistance prior to purchase are included in the query results.

Use Case 2

Initial Question

I want to identify customers who required assistance on their way to purchasing a product, but not by visiting a retail store.


FilterQuery Parameters
FROMAction = iPhone Offer
THROUGHChannel = Mobile
THROUGH (NOT)Channel = Physical
TOActivity Type = Purchase
discover journeys from action(id="iPhone Offer") through((interaction(channel="Assisted")) and not (interaction(channel="Physical"))) to interaction(activity="Purchase")


  • Splits the full customer path into journeys that start with customers being delivered Action ABC and end in customer purchasing the product associated with that Action.
  • Only those journeys where customers did not visit a retail store prior for assistance, prior to purchase, are included in the query results.